Tag: Tips
9 tips for aging without aging
Aging is a word we don’t like. It is however possible to advance in age without degrading! Advice from Natacha Dzikowski, author of “Looks good in your age”. There are…
5 tips for getting back to sport… and sticking to it!
It is not always easy to go from a sedentary life due to teleworking to the regular resumption of physical activity. How do you go about not flinching and keeping…
It’s time for a big winter cleaning, our tips
If in the spring the big cleaning allows you to prepare your house for the summer, between mid-autumn and the beginning of winter you have to make the transition in…
Tips for reducing your energy bill
Between electricity, gas and water, the energy bill is steep at the end of the month. However, sometimes it is enough to have the right reflexes to significantly reduce the…
7 tips to reduce the calorie bill of your sandwich
To save time in a busy day, the sandwich is often the ideal solution. But candidates for thinness tend to be wary of it because of its sometimes substantial caloric…
Best Robot Vacuum Tips And Advice
A robot vacuum cleaner Considering buying but not sure which one to choose? Then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we have brought together the best robot…