SCHC loses to Den Bosch in EHL after shootouts.
Den Bosch had taken the lead after more than half an hour through Laura Nunnink. In the 37th minute, Yibbi Jansen equalized on behalf of the Bilthoven team. No more…
Beach volleyball player Ypma ends career at the age of 24
At the end of last year, Ypma played her last official tournament alongside Wies Bekhuis in The Hague. “It’s a pity that Pleun stops, she is one of the best…
Stormy start to the week, but also extremely mild for the time of year: ’15 to 18 degrees’
The temperature will be around 15 degrees in the central Netherlands on Monday, but 18 degrees is possible in the southeast of the country. Striking, says meteorologist Berend van Straaten…
Contractors hit gas pipes, evictions in Zeist and De Bilt
Zeist/De Bilt – In both Zeist and De Bilt, homes were evacuated this morning after gas leaks. Both arose after a contractor hit a gas pipe during work. At both…
And again a statue of the Bilt artist Jits Bakker has been stolen: ‘So brutal, it is a kind of murder’
“It is deeply sad,” says Tibo van de Zand. He is the son of the artist who died in 2014. The thieves are probably not art lovers, but only have…
Increase in corona patients in Utrecht hospitals, but no cause for concern: ‘We see a restless picture’
Margreeth Fernhout is spokesperson at UMC Utrecht and speaks on behalf of that hospital, but also on behalf of ROAZ, a collaboration between all parties involved in acute care. “We…
KNMI: chance of northern lights in the coming nights as well
Charged particles from the sun are approaching our atmosphere at high speed. That creates a lot of energy in those charged particles. To get rid of that energy, they emit…
KNMI: Continued chance of northern lights in the coming nights
Charged particles from the sun are approaching our atmosphere at high speed. That creates a lot of energy in those charged particles. To get rid of that energy, they emit…
Golfcentrum Noorderpark in De Bilt has to close again a month after opening
It then had to be determined which interests weighed more heavily: those of the golf center or those of the municipality. Although the financial interests are great for Chi Chi,…
Council member Fabian Vendrig of Forza De Bilt resigns and starts his own group
In his own party, he wants to pay attention to social needs in the municipality, work on the energy transition and an open administrative culture, among other things. “It is…