Tag: teacher
Teenager is sentenced for assaulting a teacher
Published: Less than 20 min ago full screen The student is sentenced to youth service and must pay damages to the teacher. Archive image. Photo: Martina Holmberg / TT A…
Paola: the Star Academy candidate is… a dance teacher!
PAOLA PERRIN STAR ACADEMY. At 23, Paola made her debut at Star Academy version 2022, among the 13 other candidates for this promotion. [Mis à jour le 22 octobre 2022…
Adeline Toniutti: the Star Academy teacher saved by Gregory Lemarchal
ADELINE TONIUTTI. Victim of a domestic accident which made her mute, the singing teacher of Star Academy 2022 revealed that she managed to overcome it thanks to Gregory Lemarchal. [Mis…
Laure Balon: the Star Academy teacher reframes the students
LAURE BALON. Laure Balon made her debut as a stage expression teacher at Star Academy 2022. She did not hesitate to take on some candidates. [Mis à jour le 18…
the aggression of a student by a teacher revives the debate on violence at school
Two weeks after the start of the school year, Cameroon is outraged by an act of violence perpetrated by a teacher on a student in the town of Ebolowa, in…
220 students at home due to teacher shortage
220 students at a school in Kiruna are allowed to stay at home. The reason is a lack of teachers. The teachers’ union in Kiruna requests a protective stop at…
call for the release of three teacher trade unionists and five students
In Togo, the Martin Luther King movement – a civil society organization – is appealing to the government as the start of the new school year approaches on September 26.…
Verdict for the teacher murders – 18-year-old risks life
Published: Just now Malmö in March 2022: A stream of mourners passes by the flowers, candles and greetings placed on the stairs at the main entrance outside the Latin School.…
Verdict for the teacher murders – 18-year-old risks life
When the school day ends on March 21, the 18-year-old locks himself in the school toilet with two knives, an ax and a hammer. He puts on a scarf, mask…
School, Anief: “Total sharing in the Senate on the amendment to the DL Aid bis which cancels the expert teacher”
(Finance) – “Various amendments to the Aid bis decree find space for the reasons of precarious teachers who were excluded from temporary teaching this year due to a government that…