Tag: symptoms
Smiling depression: symptoms, how to treat it?
On the surface, you seem happy but deep down, you are suffering from a real malaise: this is called smiling depression. Constantly pretending is extremely energy-intensive. Tips to get better.…
Alzheimer’s: a blood test allows a diagnosis before the first symptoms
News Published on 06/12/2022 at 6:21 p.m. Updated 06/12/2022 at 6:21 p.m. Reading 2 mins. American researchers have developed a blood test capable of detecting Alzheimer’s disease even before the…
Ataxia: definition, symptoms and treatments
Ataxia refers to a disorder of balance and coordination of movements, of neurological origin. It is a symptom and not a disease, which can have several causes. How to recognize…
Broken heart syndrome: symptoms, what is Tako Tsubo?
Broken heart syndrome also called “Tako Tsubo” is a cardiac emergency that mainly affects women who have gone through menopause or who have had a hysterectomy. Discovery with Dr. Claire…
Streptococcus (A, B): definition, symptoms, transmission
Streptococci A and B are bacteria responsible for many infections, some of which are very serious. How can we catch them? What is the contagion period? Symptoms ? Summary “A…
Strep throat A: symptoms, what is it?
A 3-year-old girl from Landes died on November 28 from bacterial sore throat due to streptococcus A. What is it? How to recognize it? What to do ? Tips Summary…
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: symptoms, treatment
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a set of symptoms that can occur following an abrupt cessation of alcohol consumption after a period of heavy drinking. Without supervision and in the absence…
Fragmentation anxiety: age, symptoms, schizophrenia?
Fragmentation anxiety is a psychoanalytical concept that appeared in 1968. It is characterized by the irrational fear of seeing one’s body disintegrate. Is this a sign of schizophrenia? What can…
Onset of the flu: what are the first symptoms?
The flu is already back in France at the beginning of December. Headache, chills… These may be the first signs of the virus, which is never asymptomatic! Summary [Mise à…
The ex-president of Georgia is suffering from severe symptoms of poisoning and is in danger of dying, his aides say
According to the doctors treating Mikheil Saakashvili, among other things, mercury and arsenic have been found in the ex-president’s samples. 13:29•Updated 13:33 Ex-president of Georgia in prison Mikheil Saakashvili54, is…