Scarlet fever: symptoms, pimples, is it contagious?

Scarlet fever symptoms pimples is it contagious

Scarlet fever (or scarlet fever) is an infectious disease caused by group A streptococcus bacteria which causes symptoms such as sore throat, pimples, red tongue… Is it contagious? What treatment? Photo of buttons and info.

At the end of autumn 2022, several French regions, including Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Occitanie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine, have been observing an outbreak of scarlet fever cases for several weeks. The shortage of amoxicillin complicates treatment. Scarlet fever is a disease often affecting children but adults can also catch it. From typical symptoms of scarlet feverthere is a fever and a rash causing the appearance of buttonsin particular on the tongue (red tongue). The contagion scarlet fever is risky from the first day after signs of the disease appear. What is scarlet fever? What is the incubation time ? What are the first symptoms? Is it contagious? What is the treatment against scarlet fever? A vaccine ? How to recognize scarlet fever pimples? Info, Picturesall about scarlet fever.

Definition: what is scarlet fever?

Scarlet fever is a contagious childhood disease which most often affects older children between 5 and 10 years during the winter, by small epidemics. It is caused by a bacteria called “group A streptococcus“and which is transmitted by inhaling droplets of saliva during sneezing, coughing, kissing and indirect contact (toys, etc.). Scarlet fever is due to a group A streptococcus. This Streptococcus is responsible for a large number of benign infections such as erythematous angina, pharyngitis, impetigo. It can also cause invasive infections, such as toxic shock syndrome. If left untreated with antibiotics, scarlet fever can lead to complications, such as rheumatic fever or kidney or heart complications. These complications have become extremely rare in France.

What are the symptoms of scarlet fever?

Scarlet fever is manifested after the incubation period by a strong fever sudden onset, with anginaand lymph nodes cervical. A few hours later, a skin eruption appears giving the skin a granite appearance or slightly grainy, first on the trunk, the folds of flexion (knees, elbows) then the limbs (without affecting the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet). It extends gradually to reach the cheeks and around the mouth. This eruption takes the form of large red patches and can be combined with itching. She is maximum after 2 or 3 days and disappears in about 6 days. A desquamation then appears between the end of the first week and the end of the second week. It can last 3 weeks. Scarlet fever can also lead to abdominal painsometimes vomiting. The achievement of language is characteristic: from white, it becomes red (raspberry tongue Where “strawberry tongue” typical of scarlet fever).

Scarlet fever symptoms © designua – 123RF

Photo of scarlet fever pimples on the tongue

red tongue in children due to scarlet fever
Child whose tongue is very red, typical of scarlet fever. © 123RF-Thomas Lukassek

Is scarlet fever contagious?

Scarlet fever is contagious a day after the appearance of the first manifestations angina and 24-48 hours after starting antibiotics. She stays contagious until the scales disappear (3 weeks) if antibiotic treatment has not been implemented. The most frequent mode of contamination is by direct contact with a patient or a healthy carrier of Streptococcus A, via pro-pharyngeal secretions.

What is the incubation time for scarlet fever?

Streptococcus will enter the body and grow there until symptoms appear. This latency period lasts on average between 3 and 5 days : this is the incubation time of scarlet fever. In adults, scarlet fever is an exceptional disease.

How to differentiate scarlet fever from measles?

“A measles is characterized by a involvement of the entire bronchopulmonary sphere, with conjunctivitis and associated rash. There is not angina in the foreground as in the case of scarlet fever” explains Dr. Del Giudice, dermatologist specializing in infectious and tropical diseases and member of the French Society of Dermatology (SFD).

How to differentiate scarlet fever with a foot-hand-mouth?

“The symptoms of scarlet fever are very different those of foot-hand-mouth syndrome which is characterized by small blisters in the mouth, feet and hands, without sore throat and without rash” inform the specialist.

The diagnosis of scarlet fever is clinical (it is done according to the signs observed). It is confirmed by a rapid diagnostic test (TDR) which makes it possible to highlight Streptococcus. This test, also used for angina, consists of a sample taken from the throat. If the test is positive, antibiotics are prescribed.

The best prevention is to stay away

What precautions to take in case of scarlet fever?

Children being contagious up to 48 hours after the start of antibiotics, they shouldn’t go to school for at least that time. School exclusion generally recommended by doctors is one week. “We don’t know no severe form in pregnant women says Dr. Del Giudice.

Is there a scarlet fever vaccine?

There is no no vaccine yet against Streptococcus A. The best prevention is to steer clear of infected people.

Treatment: how to cure scarlet fever?

A antibiotic treatment must be prescribed quickly in order to avoid renal or cardiac complications. Scarlet fever is treated with antibiotics like Amoxicillin (in first intention) for 5 to 6 days. From the first 48 hours of administration, fever and symptoms of angina decrease. A antihistamine syrup (Mequitazine type) can be administered to soothe itching. From paracetamol can be prescribed in case of fever.

Thanks to Dr Pascal Del Giudice, dermatologist and member of the French Society of Dermatology.
