Tag: sweating
10 embarrassing questions searched on Google! Experts explained one by one
Disease research on the internet, which is among the biggest problems of today, causes people to worry. There is even a disease of searching for diseases on the internet. However,…
Don’t ignore it! Your sweating may be warning of great danger…
Although sweating is thought to be irritating in terms of smell and appearance, sweating can be a warning sign of dangerous diseases. There are a wide variety of health problems…
Don’t ignore it! Experts describe symptoms of unknown serious heart disease
Heart diseases can be seen in people of all ages and genders. Apart from chest pain and tightness, which are known as the general symptom of heart diseases, there are…
Do not pass it off as simple hair dandruff! This condition on the scalp is a serious symptom of a dangerous disease.
Parkinson’s disease is caused by the deterioration of brain cells. Parkinson’s, which causes slowness in movements and difficulty even while doing the most basic needs, affects the whole life. Early…
You may not realize it, but the first sign of a heart attack months ago: What is diaphoresis?
While a heart attack usually comes on suddenly, there are some subtle signs that can appear “months before” a medical emergency. The most common symptoms of a heart attack are…
Your sweating may not be caused by hot weather! A symptom of that dangerous disease…
Sweating is one of the most common ailments in society. This situation is very uncomfortable for both the sweater and the environment. Although it is thought that sweating is generally…
It causes fungus, take your precaution! Natural solutions for sweaty feet
Sweating can occur in all seasons. Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis causes sweating regardless of environmental conditions and the body’s temperature control. Regional excessive sweating is seen as sweating,…
Be careful! It can cause your death silently.
Millions of people die every year due to a heart attack. Heart attack is known as the most common cause of death. It is very important to eat healthy and…
It is in every transfer! Here is the way to prevent sweating
He sweats an average of 1 liter per day. This amount of sweat varies from person to person. Other factors, such as eating hot or spicy foods, wearing clothes made…
Spain ordered the air conditioning to be lower, and now the shops are sweating and the Prime Minister shares tips: “It’s cooler without a tie”
The goal of the EU countries is to save 15 percent of gas for the winter if Russia closes the gas taps. However, Spain only agreed with the EU on…