Spain ordered the air conditioning to be lower, and now the shops are sweating and the Prime Minister shares tips: “It’s cooler without a tie”

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

The goal of the EU countries is to save 15 percent of gas for the winter if Russia closes the gas taps. However, Spain only agreed with the EU on seven percent savings.

BARCELONA On Monday, it could still be freezing in the Spanish shops. At the end of the week, in a grocery store in Barcelona, ​​you no longer notice a big difference between the interior and the outdoor temperature of more than 30 degrees.

– Today I’ve been sweating, when it’s normally cold here, says the employee at the store’s fish counter.

According to the plan, savings will be achieved, among other things, by limiting the cooling of public spaces.

The indoor temperature must not be lowered below 27 degrees with air conditioning. Store doors must be closed in the future so that the cool air does not escape.

In addition, shop lights and signs are turned off at ten in the evening.

The savings plan accelerated fan sales

Been to the grocery store Pilar Dachsia even in the heat, the warmer shopping trips don’t hurt. He has bought a fan for his home from a nearby home appliance store.

– I have air conditioning, but the fan consumes less electricity, Dachs believes.

People carrying fans can be seen a lot in the street scene of Barcelona’s upper city.

– The store is always hot, but this week sales have increased even more, says the seller of the home appliance store Alejandra Goillo.

Goillo’s workplace is not affected by the new restrictions, as it has never had air conditioning.

– It is warm here, but we are used to it. Saving is also justified because of the war in Ukraine and climate change.

Pilar Dachs is worried about the coming winter instead of the heat. Then the heating can be adjusted to a maximum of 19 degrees in public spaces.

Heating costs a fortune for households in a country where electricity price records have been broken this year.

Price of electricity has now counted (you switch to another service) peak readings in early summer thanks to the gas price ceiling granted by the EU to Spain and Portugal. It means that the natural gas used to produce electricity must not cost more than 50 euros per megawatt hour.

– My husband is sick and the cold makes the symptoms worse, so we need heating, 80-year-old Dachs says.

Why does Spain get by with less?

The seven percent gas saving is the minister in charge of Spain’s green transition Teresa Ribera negotiated compromise.

Both Spain and neighboring Portugal opposed the EU Commission’s proposal, which aimed to reduce gas consumption by 15 percent. Spain feared that it would damage too much the country’s economy weakened by the pandemic and bring industry to a standstill.

Through Spanish gas pipelines and ports, gas can be delivered to other parts of Europe as well, Ribera said.

In the fall, the government will introduce more measures that are intended to save energy and at the same time fight against inflation.

Prime Minister: It’s cooler without a tie

The regulations regarding air conditioning and heating do not extend to Spanish households, at least for the time being. That’s how the prime minister is Pedro Sánchez promised.

However, Sanchez demands from the Spanish solidarity with the rest of Europe and responsibility so that “Putin’s blackmail” does not produce results.

– It’s cooler without a tie, and you don’t have to turn on the air conditioning so hard, Sánchez advised.

The tie tip has caused hilarity, especially in the middle of the holiday season.

The mayor of Madrid refuses to comply

The austerity measures have also caused controversy in Spain.

Schools and hospitals and, for example, pharmacies, where concerns about the preservation of medicines have already arisen, are excluded from the energy bills.

Pharmacist Judit Feliun at the workplace in the upper city of Barcelona, ​​the air conditioning power is now set to around 25 degrees.

– The preservation of medicines is the main thing, says Feliu.

Although Feliu is used to air conditioning at his workplace, he doesn’t have it at home.

– I suffer from the heat, but I try to think that there is nothing I can do about it. I also don’t want to use air conditioning at home, it’s a value choice.

Public transport will be partly free

In the midst of record-breaking heat, money is what motivates Spaniards to join the energy talks.

– The biggest concern is inflation. Everything has become more expensive. It motivates to save and prefer public transport, says someone waiting for the bus José Luis Aguado.

The Spanish government also encourages the use of public transport. From September, series and season tickets for short- and medium-distance trains will become free. In some self-governing regions, the prices of metro and bus tickets also decrease.

By increasing the use of public transport, the aim is not only to reduce energy consumption and emissions, but also to help the people suffering from inflation of more than 10 percent.

What thoughts did the story evoke? You can discuss the topic until Sunday evening, August 7. until 11 p.m.
