Tag: Suspected
Famous influencer suspected and acquitted – again
A well-known influencer who was last suspected and acquitted of suspicion of accounting crimes in 2021, has again been suspected and acquitted. According to information from the news agency Siren…
One person died in a workplace accident – suspected to have been crushed to death
The police in Örebro County report this: SOS-alarm announced at 14.15 that they are sending resources to an address in Lindesberg municipality due to an accident.The accident consists of a…
arrest of online gaming CEO DouYu suspected of opening “illegal casinos”
The news came more than two weeks after the announcement of his disappearance. In a press release published this Wednesday on Chinese networks, the police confirmed the arrest of the…
Suspected bribery within Region Västerbotten is being investigated by the national unit against corruption
Last week, Region Västerbotten announced that they filed a police report regarding suspected irregularities in the asset management of pension money. During Tuesday, a preliminary investigation was started by the…
Several men in Norrbotten suspected of hunting crimes – the prosecutor about aggravating details
According to the prosecutor Christer B Jarlås, the men must have caused extra great suffering to a bullet-injured bear that they hunted with a scooter so that it was incited…
Suspected of bombing – released on bail but re-arrested
Share the article Save the article full screen The police on site after the explosion. Photo: Aftonbladet Several people were in the house in Bro when a hand grenade exploded…
Man from Soest (28) suspected of fatal shooting in Amsterdam
Soest – The police have arrested a man from Soest as a suspect for a fatal shooting on Sunday evening in a coffee shop on the Kloveniersburgwal in Amsterdam. The…
Parents suspected of poisoning their daughter
The parents from Eslöv, who are suspected of having poisoned their now seven-year-old daughter, sat calmly and quietly during the trial that began on Monday in Lund’s district court. There…
Italy: student suspected of murder of ex-girlfriend arrested in Germany
Sequestered on November 11 near her home in the province of Venice, then murdered, Giulia Cecchettin, aged 22, was found on Saturday November 19 at the bottom of a ravine,…
senator Joël Guerriau, suspected of having drugged a deputy, suspended by his party and his group
Accused of having drugged a deputy without her knowledge to commit sexual assault, Senator Joël Guerriau was indicted on Friday. This Saturday morning, his party, Horizons, member of the presidential…