Tag: Summit
Former NATO summit warns of discordant alliance: “Three Trojan horses”
Turkey has found itself on a collision course with NATO’s most powerful member, the United States, regarding the war in Ukraine. Along with Hungary, the countries have not imposed any…
Summit in Munich – when Navalny died in Russia: “Putin is evil”
Updated 01.16 | Published 00.43 share-arrowShare unsaveSave The Western summits are gathered for the annual security conference. Then Alexei Navalny died. A coincidence? – Putin is a very, very evil…
At AU summit, Somali president displays his differences with Ethiopian prime minister
During an emergency press conference organized on the sidelines of the African Union (AU) summit, the President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud, expressed his dissatisfaction with the way he was…
the AU summit opens with a worrying observation of “collapse” of institutions”
The African Union summit opened yesterday, Wednesday February 14, in Addis Ababa. Around thirty presidents and heads of government are expected this weekend in the Ethiopian capital for the organization’s…
Southern Africa at the summit to try to stem the spread of cholera in the region
An extraordinary summit of the Community of Southern African States is being held this Friday, February 2 in Angola to address the cholera epidemic spreading in southern Africa. Since last…
The EU’s core group put Hungary in the doldrums on the morning of the summit | Foreign countries
The leaders of Germany, France and Italy faced off to make Hungary’s Viktor Orbán realize that the chips are down. Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán agreed to the support…
Agreement on 50 billion Ukraine support at the EU summit | Russian invasion
Earlier, Hungary blocked the aid package. The EU has reached an agreement on a 50 billion euro support package for Ukraine. All 27 member states approved the aid package at…
a thousand tractors in the streets of Brussels for the EU summit – L’Express
A thousand tractors are already in the streets of Brussels, Thursday February 1, for a demonstration by farmers from several countries, on the sidelines of a summit of leaders of…
Italy-Africa Summit in the Senate. Meloni: “Piano Mattei starts from 5.5 billion”
(Finance) – Twenty-five heads of state and government, dozens of ministerial delegations, but also heads of the European institutions, the rotating presidency of the African Union and the deputy secretary…
Italy-Africa Summit: one of the challenges of the “Mattei Plan” is Italy’s energy supply
Rome, the Italian capital, is hosting an Italy-Africa Summit on January 28 and 29, 2024. Several heads of state and government and high-ranking African personalities are expected in Italy to…