Tag: spaces
MSB maps protected spaces
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) has been commissioned by the government to map areas where people can take shelter, but which are not specific shelters, reports P4 Värmland. –…
Parking spaces smoke when Brunnsparken is to be equipped
The criticism that Cecilia Rose puts forward is mainly based on the fact that the new plans will lead to fewer parking opportunities, which she and the association Folkets park…
Plants occupy parking spaces in Overvecht: ‘You can do much better things with that space’
UTRECHT – Dozens of plants are currently growing in parking lots on the São Paulodreef in Overvecht. They deliberately occupy a parking space and if a car drives over it,…
CKHA reopens outdoor visiting spaces in Chatham and Wallaceburg
The Chatham-Kent Health Alliance reopened its outdoor space for visiting with patients at both its Chatham and Wallaceburg hospital sites on Friday. Both sites will offer visiting outdoor from 10…
In Beijing, “sealed” areas and “control and prevention” spaces against Omicron
Chinese health authorities reported 6,886 new local cases of Covid-19 for Monday, March 29, including 4,477 in Shanghai, under a bell jar while testing the population. Tests also in Beijing,…
Monoprix creates second-hand spaces in its stores
Monoprix is committed to a more sustainable fashion offer by opening, from March 23, spaces dedicated to second-hand goods in several of its stores. Monoprix takes a further step towards…
Scooters, Mims: outside built-up areas they can only circulate on cycle paths or spaces reserved for bicycles
(Finance) – Outside inhabited centers i electric scooters can only circulate on slopes cycle paths or on paths reserved for bicycles. The rule, which was introduced in the decree law…
The first flight of Space’s Starship would be within a month or two, according to Elon Musk
The Starship is the machine imagined by SpaceX and Elon Musk to return to the Moon and establish colonies on Mars. To conquer space. But above all, it will have…
City develops plan to create more child-care spaces
News Local News More than 760 more spaces needed by 2032: report A federal-provincial agreement aims for daycare at $10 per day by 2025. Photo by Metro Creative Graphics A…
Tours, Rouen, Aix-en-Provence… Coworking spaces are taking over medium-sized towns
No more Parisian pollution, crowded metros and the frantic pace of the capital: a few months ago, like thousands of Ile-de-France residents since the start of the health crisis, Franck…