Tag: SMEs
Innovation, Unioncamere and InfoCamere launch the call aimed at start-ups and SMEs
(Finance) – Enhance the heritage informative and the skills of the chamber system, adopting theOpen Innovation as a reference model, to support the digital transformation of the PA and businesses.…
Centemero: agenda approved for support for SMEs listed and to be listed on MTF
(Finance) – The Northern League deputy Julius Centemero it was said “satisfied“for theapproval of its agenda (odg) to the DDL on Made in Italy which invites the government to provide…
housing, the main obstacle for VSEs and SMEs – L’Express
This is a survey, published Thursday December 7, which says a lot about the challenges that await businesses in the years to come. Nearly one in five VSE-SMEs has difficulty…
End of protection, Pellegrino (ARTE): controversies undermine reputation, SMEs suffer more
(Finance) – “All this tussle over the transition from the protected market to the free marketwhere I accuse both politics and the press, is leaving me quite stunned and even…
Defense financing through Livret A: do SMEs really need it?
Financing social housing and armaments, the combination clashes. This is now the mission of Livret A, since the adoption, at the beginning of November, of an amendment to the 2024…
concern around SMEs – L’Express
The health of French companies is monitored like milk on fire. New figures for the month of October in support, the Banque de France wants to be reassuring. “We have…
Investments: towards a return to favor for SMEs
Paradigm shift. For decades, small and medium-sized listed companies, small & mid caps in stock market jargon, offered overall better stock market performance than the large groups. But, for five…
Work, INAPP: “only 2% of SMEs invest in Artificial Intelligence”
(Finance) – Italian companies and Artificial Intelligence, this unknown. Although there is a wide debate in our country and despite its potential, theArtificial intelligence (AI) still remains poorly used by…
SACE brings Italian SMEs to the Cernobbio Forum: strengths and challenges
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – SMEs in the spotlight at the Cernobbio Forum thanks to a fully dedicated hub, which highlights their strategic role for the Italian economic fabric. An initiative…
Over 21,000 Italian SMEs sell on Amazon: +950 million euros in sales abroad in 2022 (+20%)
(Finance) – I’m over 21,000 the realities that have chosen to use the shop Of Amazon in 2022. Of these, more than half exported their products, registering a total of…