Over 21,000 Italian SMEs sell on Amazon: +950 million euros in sales abroad in 2022 (+20%)

Over 21000 Italian SMEs sell on Amazon 950 million euros

(Finance) – I’m over 21,000 the realities that have chosen to use the shop Of Amazon in 2022. Of these, more than half exported their products, registering a total of over 950 million euros of sales abroad, 20% more than the previous year. Germany, France, Spain, the United States and the United Kingdom are the countries where the PMI Italian sell most successfully through Amazon. These are the main findings of the 2023 Report onImpact of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that sell on Amazon.

“Once again the report confirms the positive impact for the Italian entrepreneurial fabric that derives from the use of Amazon – he commented Mariangela Marseille, VP and Country Manager of Amazon.it and Amazon.es –. Today, over 60% of sales in our online shop come from independent sales partners, and for them, in 2022 alone, we have invested over 8 billion euros in logistics, services, tools and training across Europe. The numbers achieved by the Italian companies that have chosen us make me particularly proud: more than 21,000 Italian SMEs have recorded over 950 million euros in sales abroad. These figures demonstrate our constant commitment to supporting entrepreneurs in the communities in which we operate, in line with our broader goal of helping them reach 1.2 billion euros in annual sales abroad by 2025. We will continue in this management, through innovations capable of supporting the Italian economy in synergy with public actors, to make our companies even more competitive on an international level.”

To confirm the growing importance of channel digital for the business of realities that sell through Amazon in 2022, also the number of products sold by Italian SMEs on the store: over 125 million products in total, about 20% more than the previous year; more than 250 products per minute. The Reports it also highlights that around 850 Italian SMEs that sell on Amazon have exceeded 1 million euros in sales and over 5,100 have exceeded 100,000 euros in sales. Home, Beauty, Health and Personal Care, Sports and Food are the categories products sold abroad by Italian SMEs through Amazon.

“Fascinated by Thomas Edison’s light bulb, I created a technical and decorative lighting company whose lamp holders, rosettes and electric cables recalled the vintage taste – he explained Marco Avarello, Chief Executive Officer of Amarcords, a Milanese company which, as the name suggests, was born as a promoter of Italian style and taste –. If the company took off in retail through wholesalers and distributors in Italy and Europe, Amazon and the online market have allowed us to develop a second business, the one linked to ‘do-it-yourself’ products. Being on Amazon with a proper sales strategy has allowed us to see our revenue triple. We learned a lot about the store: now we successfully reach France, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom. To face an international audience, I understood that having an identity brand was essential.”

“We’ve changed our skin on Amazon: from third-party resellers to brand owners. Thanks to the Brand Registry program and the support received from the store’s internal consultants, I understood the importance of registering and protecting one’s brand – he explained John Miglionic, an enterprising young man who, from Altamura, manages three e-commerce sites and the related stores on Amazon with passion and skill for the family business –. Since we registered the Decor Space brand, specializing in interior and exterior home and office furniture products, we now work in partnership with Amazon, we don’t just sell on the store. Amazon is not just selling, but it represents a showcase through which to make one’s brand and company philosophy known.”

In 2022, the over 21,000 Italian SMEs that sell through Amazon are located throughout the boot and, analyzing the sales atabroad from the PMI in the individual regions, the Lombardy confirmed as the first region for export value, amounting to over 175 million euros, followed by Campania, with more than 130 million euros. The third place is earned by the Tuscany, which records over 100 million euros in 2022. Closing the top 5 are the Laziowith more than 80 million euros of exports, and the Venetowith about 75 million euros.
Other regions with a high level of exports include Piedmont (€60+ million); Emilia-Romagna (€50+ million); Puglia (about €50 million); Sicily (€30+ million) and Trentino-Alto Adige (€30+ million).

“Amazon wants to be an ally of Italian SMEs and every day we are committed to ensuring that they can express their potential through the digital channel, creating the most effective tools for them to develop a multi-channel offer. Among these, in Italy: Accelera con Amazon, which since its launch in 2020 to date has supported over 35,000 SMEs and startups to take their first steps into digital, and the Made in Italy showcase, which, launched in 2015, is present in 11 countries in the world and hosts over 1 million products, the result of the excellent work of over 5,500 Italian companies – concluded Anna BortolussiGeneral Manager Brand Owner and Seller Success, Amazon EU – “these are results obtained also thanks to the collaboration with Agenzia ICE, which has continued since 2019 and which saw, precisely on the occasion of the renewal of the agreement at the end of 2022, the inauguration of “Amazon Incubator”, a pilot project aimed at more than 100 small and medium-sized Italian companies, to guide them in their internationalization process through targeted and personalized training.”
