Tag: Småland
Småland broke the Swedish heat record here – warmest November ever
During Saturday, the temperature at three of SMHI’s measuring stations in Småland had reached a new recordhttps://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/smaland/varmerekord-16-7-grader-i-smaland for the month of November. – That is perhaps what you can expect…
Heat record: 16.7 degrees in Småland
During Saturday, double records were broken with a peak in the form of 16.7 plus degrees in Gladhammar in eastern Småland. It is the warmest temperature that has been measured…
Acute water shortage in Emån in Småland
Important Emån’s flows are as low or lower than during the extreme year 2018. The urgent situation means that the county administrations in Jönköping and Kalmar demand a stop to…