Tag: sleep
If you are experiencing these symptoms during sleep, beware! May be a sign of dangerous disease
Dementia (dementia) is the general name for symptoms that affect memory, thinking and social skills so severely that they interfere with daily life. Although dementia is usually related to memory…
Don’t sleep like this! It poses a great risk to the urinary and respiratory tract.
Many people sleep in socks at night to feel more secure and keep their feet warm during sleep. The question of whether it is harmful to sleep in socks has…
Rock crystal: virtues, where to find it, sleep with it?
Used in lithotherapy, rock crystal is the universal stone, to always have with you to bring vitality and serenity but be careful because it would be powerful. How to use…
Sleep deprivation, hunger and manipulation in love is blind
Love Is Blind is a smash hit for Netflix. In the dating show, participants get to know each other without seeing each other and, if the outcome is happy, they…
Post-Covid effects: disturbed sleep is the cause of shortness of breath
News Published on 04/17/2023 at 5:16 p.m. Updated 04/17/2023 at 5:16 p.m. Reading 3 mins. Research is continuing on the symptoms of Covid, and in particular in the post-Covid period,…
If you sleep like this, watch out! Your risk of stroke is three times higher
Conditions such as sleep apnea, insomnia and snoring are among sleep problems. Ignoring these problems can lead to the development of various diseases. An Irish study found that people who…
Sophrology for sleep: what are the benefits for sleep?
Difficulties falling asleep, nocturnal awakenings, insomnia… Thanks to breathing and the visualization of positive images, sophrology represents an interesting aid for sleep disorders. Benefits, functioning, exercises… The point with Elsa…
Baby sleep regression: why does he suddenly wake up?
While your baby had adopted a good sleep rhythm, now for a few days or even a few weeks, he has been waking up again several times a night? He’s…
Working when you’re not in the morning: the secrets of successful sleep
Already in the morning? Yet we have the impression of having gone to bed a few minutes ago. Maybe the time change. It was two weeks ago. Five o’clock in…