After ten years suddenly two stars in Utrecht: in addition to Karel V, also a Michelin star for Maeve
“I almost didn’t dare to come anymore. I fought for years, made a different sound heard, cooked sympathetically. At the age of fifteen I already knew all the star restaurants…
Mayor Dijksma visits Ukraine: ‘I want to continue to drive aid from Utrecht’
Utrecht – Sharon Dijksma, the mayor of Utrecht, visited the Ukrainian capital Kyiv on Wednesday and Thursday. There, Dijksma, who is also vice president of the Association of Dutch Municipalities…
Sadness and solidarity in Utrecht at the commemoration of the bus accident victim (7)
Local residents, aid workers and witnesses gathered this afternoon in the Oude Antoniuskerk in Utrecht to commemorate the 7-year-old girl who died in a bus accident last week. “I think…
Dijksma wants to increase safety in Utrecht with more mobile cameras
Chalk, cameras and the police During the debate, committee member Louise de Vries of the Party for the Animals told a personal anecdote about the cameras of the municipality. I…
Control the bling: Children sensitive to impulse purchases via smartphone
One of the children who took part in the study says he prefers to spend his money on “Roblox coins, Fifa and Nintendo coins and Pokémon cards”. According to the…
Dijksma finds threats after sex education lesson week incomprehensible: ‘Something you have to set limits’
“I find it incredible to see that these people, who, based on scientific research, want to conscientiously talk to young people about sexuality, are not only discredited, but that they…
The municipality of Utrecht also donates euros per inhabitant for earthquake victims
Dijksma started her speech with a personal note about the events in Syria and Turkey, which she calls heartbreaking. “I don’t know about you, but especially as a mother, when…
Utrecht is going to fight a group of troublemakers Lombok: ‘Intimidation, theft, stabbings’
She is responding to questions from, among others, Tess Meerding of the VVD. He describes that there is an unsustainable situation in the neighborhood due to intimidation, theft and stabbings.…
Dijksma and other mayors want more options to prevent riots
The mayors think that the problem is not so much the online area ban itself, but mainly the outdated legislation. “Because our current legislation predates the digital age, it does…
Mayor Dijksma disappointed in judge’s decision on online area ban, possible appeal
According to the administrative court, the online area ban against the boy from Zeist goes against freedom of expression. Moreover, the APV on which Dijksma based her ban applies to…