Tag: services
Strong increase in calls to men’s emergency services
Published: Just now full screen An unusually large number of men contact the national men’s hotline. Archive image. Photo: Martina Holmberg / TT Calls to the national men’s helpline increased…
National Strategic Pole, signed agreement for the offer of cloud services to the PA
(Finance) – The project newco participated by TIM, LeonardoCassa Depositi e Prestiti and Sogeihas signed the Convention with the Department for digital transformation of the Prime Minister’s Office, for the…
Dark Souls: From Software Restores Dark Souls 3 Online Services
This is news that will make fans of Dark Souls games smile. From Software has decided to restart the online services of Dark Souls 3, and also intends to revive…
Ride to Thrive benefits CMHA and Participation Support Services
News Local News Publication date: Aug 14, 2022 • 50 minutes ago • 2 minute read • Join the conversation Tereca Ford of Brantford heads out on the Ride to…
YouTube wants to sell subscriptions for other services
Leader of the video space YouTubein a plan to make the platform more financially mobile. exists. YouTube, As it turns out, it has been developing a new feature for exactly…
A massive phishing campaign targets Outlook and Exchange, Microsoft’s email services, hackers even managing to bypass the two-factor identification system, supposed to protect users.
A massive phishing campaign targets Outlook and Exchange, Microsoft’s email services, hackers even managing to bypass the two-factor identification system, supposed to protect users. If you use Outlook or Exchange,…
BA5.1.3 panic! Plane and train services were canceled, 80 thousand people were stranded
It has been announced that closure measures will be implemented after the increase in coronavirus cases in a city in China. With this decision, all plane and train services in…
resignation of the director of intelligence services
A case of spying on the phone of one of the opposition figures is creating a stir at the top of the state, to the point of causing the resignation,…
“I was told to go home”: emergency services more regulated than ever
For Vincent Bounes, the day will be long. The head of service of SAMU 31 (Haute-Garonne) has just started a 24-hour call, during which he will deal with his teams…
FS Group, RFI launches a 760 million euro tender for operational management services in stations
(Finance) – Italian Railway Network (FS Italiane Group) published in Official Journal of the European Union the call for tenders, for a total amount of approx 760 millionfor the assignment,…