INPS to the digital challenge: pensioner-friendly services

Single and Universal Check Inps more than 20 million checks

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – INPS takes up the digital challenge with the purpose of simplify services to respond quickly and consistently to the needs of each user. “In a rapidly changing technological context, the role of the digital transition is also fundamental in the Public Administration sector. Inps has always invested in digitization processes to consolidate the Italian welfare network through an administration that is open and easily accessible by all categories of citizens”. This is what the INPS writes in the report Personalized information in the management of pension processes.

The advantages of this great digital challenge can be summarized as follows: fully seize the opportunities provided by new technologies in order to improve the quality of the services offered; translate unexpressed rights into services; simplify services to respond quickly and consistently to the needs of each user; capitalize on the opportunities provided by the Pnrr for major investments in digitalisation; protect the most vulnerable individuals. In this scenario, Inps, also thanks to the resources of the Pnrr, has decided to invest energy and resources to develop a cutting-edge personalized information service dedicated to one of the most fragile categories of citizens: retirees, who are currently around 16 million”, it is read.

“There complexity of the social security field and the amount of information circulating –the note continues – through a multiplicity of channels, they lead many users not to inform themselves adequately and, ultimately, often, not to access the services to which they would be entitled. This is why INPS, which has been promoting an inclusion policy for years, has focused on the computerization process by creating a single platform where all information and communications on the pension issue converge, in a fluid and timely manner also with regard to the continuous regulatory evolution “.

In particular, “on the subject of the payment of the pension benefit, which constitutes the main moment of the disbursement of the pension, INPS is implementing a process of expanding communication channels with the user, both in terms of variety of tools and available content. With a view to ‘hybridisation of communications’, a personalized and interactive video guide has been prepared relating to accepted pension applications and accessible via QR-Code or dedicated link, which are reported in the pension settlement communication model in the Private Management (Model TE08PL), at the time the provision is issued. The entire reference system in the relationship with the retired user has been reviewed in a multi-channel key with the possibility of accessing communications on different touchpoints”continues the note
