Tag: servants
All these civil servants will receive a nice bonus: up to 3900 euros depending on the job
A significant salary supplement will arrive in a few months. The promise has been kept. Many civil servants will receive, in a few months, a nice bonus, in addition to…
Heightened security at the municipal hall in Borgholm after threats against politicians and civil servants
– It was a man who was dissatisfied with the way a case was handled and he directed verbal threats at a politician and two civil servants, says Magnus Areskog,…
Police officers, soldiers, teachers… These civil servants who are RN candidates for the legislative elections – L’Express
The figure seems insignificant, but it is quite a symbol. Among the approximately 500 candidates for the legislative elections that the National Rally had to find – 499, according to…
Utrecht wants to be an attractive employer by allowing civil servants to pay off student debt cheaply
Employees at the municipality of Utrecht receive an Individual Choice Budget every month, in addition to their salary. With money from that pot, about 17 percent of someone’s salary, civil…
“It’s shameful”, “contemptuous”… This government proposal on civil servants is explosive
With his latest proposal, the Minister of the Civil Service Stanislas Guerini has brought to the fore the end of life-time employment for civil servants. An exit which triggered an…
the massive dismissal of civil servants continues
In all, nearly 15,000 civil servants have learned in recent days that their contracts will not be renewed after March 31. 1 min With our correspondent in Buenos Aires, Théo…
Who could receive the bonuses promised to civil servants? – The Express
500, 1,000, 1,500 euros… The amount of bonuses paid to civil servants as part of the Olympic (OG) and Paralympic Games this summer is becoming clearer. As well as their…
in Iraqi Kurdistan, civil servants demonstrate after months of unpaid debts
In Iraqi Kurdistan, civil servants demonstrated on Saturday in support of the decision of Iraq’s highest court which ordered the Iraqi government in Baghdad to pay Kurdish civil servants directly,…
the government wants to increase the retirement age of civil servants from 60 to 62 years
In Gabon, the government has decided to raise the retirement age of civil servants from 60 to 62 years. 2 mins With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves-Laurent Goma decision government…
These civil servants receive up to 30,000 euros upon hiring: three professions are concerned
Very attractive hiring conditions are offered to certain future civil servants. In certain professional sectors, recruiting has become a real headache. Lack of interest in the sector, unattractive working conditions……