Tag: Sectarian
Why the sectarian phenomenon fascinates us so much – L’Express
Distress, madness, sadness, loneliness, weakness, sometimes pure chance … What are the reasons that push men and women to integrate sects? The price to be paid is often heavy: making…
Families flee new deadly sectarian violence in Pakistan
share-arrowShare unsaveSave expand-left fullscreen On Friday, the market in Kurram district of Kbyber Pakhtunkhwa was kept closed, in protest against a shooting nearby. Photo: Hussain Ali/AP/TT Around 300 families are…
Pranism in France, why this sectarian practice is a mortal danger according to Dr Kierzek
News Published on 11/18/2024 at 5:39 p.m. updated on 11/18/2024 at 5:39 p.m. Reading 2 min. in collaboration with Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director) Medical validation: November 19, 2024 For…
the organization of a congress on extraterrestrials raises fears of sectarian excesses
A gathering in France to prepare for the arrival of extraterrestrials: this is what awaits the city of Limoges, a city in central France, for three days. Behind the organization…
Fear of sectarian excesses increases before the conference on extraterrestrials in Limoges
This weekend, the Zénith de Limoges will host the “Exovision Symposium”, an event to “prepare” for the possibility of an encounter with extraterrestrials. His appearance in the city raises fears…
Bill against sectarian abuses: does the adopted bill aim to muzzle medicine?
News Published on 02/15/2024 at 6:01 p.m. Updated 02/15/2024 at 6:01 p.m. Reading 4 min. This February 14, the National Assembly adopted at second reading a text to combat sectarian…
Sectarian excesses: Macronie resurrects the article of the law on "provocation to abandonment of care"
Twist at the Palais Bourbon. The National Assembly finally approved, this Wednesday, February 14, the creation of a new offense of “provocation to abandonment of care”, in the bill to…
Is Iran trying to spread war in the Middle East? “It may turn into a sectarian conflict”
Tensions between Iran and Pakistan peaked this morning. Iran announced that 9 people, including 3 women and 4 children, lost their lives in the missile attack carried out by Pakistan…
LR, a sectarian party? Estrosi drives home the point and denounces Ciotti’s policy
The mayor of Nice and former Republican, Christian Estrosi, calls on the right to form a coalition with the majority rather than isolating itself according to a “sectarian” vision which,…
Sectarian influence: these signals that must attract attention
Reviewing her files, Christine Destombes grumbles: “Another case where the influence has not been recognized”. This local representative of the National Union of Associations for the Defense of Families and…