Tag: scrapped
Had enough of the cheating – scrapped the ATMs
At Ica Maxi in Angered, customers can no longer use cash registers where you put the goods in yourself. Instead, they have expanded the possibility of self-scanning with a scanner…
Had enough of the cheating – scrapped the ATMs
There were all categories of people who used to take goods without paying. Rich and poor, young and old. Skipping scanning the milk, meat or bread was put into the…
Trafikverket: Two kilometers of double track in Nyköping can be scrapped as Ostlänken will become cheaper
When the government last autumn stopped the plans for new trunk lines for high-rise lines, the Swedish Transport Administration was at the same time tasked with reviewing how money can…
New Star Trek series is being completely scrapped and the reason for it is just infuriating
Is Star Trek just an old white man franchise? Not at all. The new animated series Star Trek: Prodigy, which has been appealing to a younger generation with its adventures…
After the criticism: New alcohol advice regarding breastfeeding is scrapped
The Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NNR), which form the scientific basis for Swedish dietary advice, have not been updated for a decade. When they are now presented in their final form,…
Controversial television station Servus TV is scrapped
Servus TV does not have a good reputation in Germany. The broadcaster is said to promote controversial political views and also does not have a clear profile for many viewers.…
Overwatch 2 just scrapped its PvE mode and fans are pissed
Overwatch 2 has broken its biggest promise. PvE mode is canceled and will not appear. The fans are fucking angry. At first glance, it reads like a late and very…
The Netflix series is scrapped after season 1 – although it gets the most important German TV award
Even groundbreaking series don’t always meet the quotas. In the eyes of the fans, this credo must currently apply to Queer Eye Germany. Because although the Netflix series has just…
Fewer cars are scrapped in Sweden
Fewer cars are scrapped in Sweden, reports SR Ekot. This is partly explained by increased economic uncertainty. – You may not choose to buy a new car, but instead maintain…
These computers are ‘scrapped’ even though they look solid… So why?
Apple, one of the US technology companies, calls its laptops MacBook. According to the news of Vice, some second-hand MacBooks turn into parts because they cannot be restored to factory…