Tag: Science
No fake news, just science: why we are launching Mag Futura
Since the start of the pandemic, science has faced a wave of mistrust and disinformation with an intensity rarely achieved. However, we are convinced that it is more necessary than…
Mag Futura: the science that will mark 2022 in 4 dossiers
It’s coming soon: Futura’s first paper magazine will meet you at the start of 2022 for a concentration of knowledge and surveys on major scientific questions to come. Here are…
Beasts of science: lemurs have rhythm in their skin
“Bêtes de science” is like a collection of stories. Beautiful stories that tell the living in all its freshness. But also in all its complexity. A parenthesis to marvel at…
Forensic science: the real methods of investigation
On a crime scene, the forensic science collects clues, whose cross-analyzes will elucidate the murder. Does everything turn out exactly like on television? To find out, discover our file on…
few cases but worrying contagiousness
Published on : 11/26/2021 – 12:37Modified : 11/26/2021 – 12:39 A team of South African scientists announced Thursday, November 25 the discovery of a new variant of Covid-19. The variant…