Ministers Kuipers have RIVM and GGDs prepare a vaccination campaign
According to Kuipers, there is no reason for an extra vaccination round yet, but it is “probable” in the course of the year. It is not yet certain whether other…
Alarming RIVM memo about stalling care not shared with hospitals
Several experts, including Diederik Gommers (Erasmus MC and then chairman of the intensive care physicians), Bart Berden (Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital) and Jan Kluytmans (UMC Utrecht), are unpleasantly surprised and consider it…
RIVM: greatest risk of tick bites in Drenthe
In Drenthe, people are relatively at the greatest risk of being bitten by a tick. The insects mainly strike in June and July. In adults they bite mainly on the…
Corona advice RIVM: mouth caps and quarantine no longer necessary, insulation still is
The advice to remain in isolation in the event of a corona infection must remain in place. In view of the “declining, but still high numbers of infections”, RIVM thinks…
RIVM: people live months longer due to clean air measures
By health gain, the SLA means that people live longer, healthier and with more quality. To measure this, RIVM has drawn up health indicators, such as life expectancy. According to…
8 questions for RIVM about the HPV vaccine, cervical cancer and the population screening
It is 2009 and the HPV vaccine is being included in the National Immunization Programme. Slightly later than planned – the vaccination will eventually be postponed for a year due…