Tag: rescued
The first children have been rescued from a gondola lift hanging high in Pakistan
The first five children have reached safety almost 300 meters from the gondola lift. Darkness has interrupted the operation, the rest of those stuck in the elevator have to wait…
Here the surfers are rescued – after 38 hours on the open sea
Four Australian surfers, and three Indonesian crewmen, disappeared in connection with a storm while they were out surfing in a remote part of Indonesia. 38 hours later, six of them…
40 rescued from migrant boat
About 40 people were rescued from a migrant boat off Cape Verde on Tuesday. Several dead were on board, but the information about how many are different – a local…
TV celebrity involved when the train is rescued
full screen The train that derailed between Iggesund and Hudiksvall is about to be lifted back onto the track. Photo: Mats Andersson/TT The extensive work to recover the train that…
This is how mountaineers who were stranded at 3,000 meters in Italy were rescued
Italian fire brigade Vigili del Fuoco announced that mountaineers were stranded in Lago di Valsoera, north of the city of Turin. The firefighters, who descended with a rope from the…
Will Smith almost turned down a sci-fi hit before The Matrix — but Steven Spielberg rescued him with a helicopter
It’s one of the funniest — and true — Hollywood stories: Will Smith turned down sci-fi classic The Matrix. And played in the flop Wild Wild West instead. It doesn’t…
Record heavy rains and floods ravage the Beijing area – a video captured a man being rescued from a car swept away by the current
Rescue workers have taken hundreds of people trapped by water to safety, but at least two have been found dead. Flooding caused by record heavy rains has covered roads and…
Eight drunks rescued in lake drama on Lake Vänern last night
The alarm came in at 01.37 on the night of Monday. A boat had run aground with a group of people who must have been very drunk according to the…
Australian man and his dog rescued after months at sea
The 51-year-old was on his way from the Mexican city of La Paz to French Polynesia, an island group in Oceania, when his boat was damaged in a storm, reports…
Timothy and Bella were rescued after months in the Pacific Ocean
For three months, Timothy Lyndsay Shaddock, 54, and dog Bella were lost in the middle of the Pacific Ocean – after his boat broke up in a storm. They both…