Tag: Report France
[Carte d’électeur]: Auto-entrepreneurs, the new precarious
One million companies created in 2021. Based on this figure, Emmanuel Macron and his government boasted at the start of the year “the attractiveness of France”. Among these business creations,…
“Voter card”: social networks, young people and the presidential campaign
Report France Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Elyse, or even Twitch and YouTube… Social networks have now become essential media for young people to follow the news and the presidential campaign. As…
“Voter’s card”: SAM elders choose to abstain
Report France Every morning, RFI lets you hear French people talk about the upcoming presidential election. Today, the former employees of SAM, the Aveyronnaise Metallurgy Company. The more than 300…
France: what results for split classes?
Report France It was one of the flagship measures of Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term, the splitting of CP and CE1 classes in REP+, in a priority education network. A few…
[Carte d'électeur] Rebellious and communists, the great leap backwards
They had made a common cause and candidacy in 2012 and 2017, but that was before. Between the rebels of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and the communists of Fabien Roussel, the break…
Voter’s card: the “whatever it takes” to the rescue of the restoration
Report France With the approach of the presidential elections in France, Sunday April 10 and 24, 2022, RFI offers you a series of reports, Voter cards. Today, we are interested…
Voter card: the police and the French
Report France Facial checks, racist or sexist remarks, tough arrests that turn tragic, blinded demonstrators, but also a spike in suicides among the police… Police and gendarmes are under pressure…
Patriotism and commitment of Ukrainian women
Ukrainian women living in France are struggling to welcome women and children stranded in a country at war. A huge network of solidarity has developed. Sofyia is 23 years old,…
Searching for the names of his slave ancestors
Allowing French descendants of slaves to discover the origin of their surname is one of the objectives of the Comité marche du 23 mai 1998 (CM98), a West Indian memorial…
The riverside conference, an experience of participatory democracy in Feyzin
Feyzin is a town of 10,000 inhabitants located in the south of the Lyon area. The municipality has to deal with heavy, dangerous and very polluting chemical industries sometimes classified…