Tag: remove
Infertility: PFAS would remove up to 40% chance of conceiving
News Published on 03/24/2023 at 11:04 am Updated 03/24/2023 at 11:04 am Reading 3 mins. in collaboration with Dr Odile Bagot (Gynecologist-obstetrician) A new study alerts us to the dangers…
Games to add and remove from Xbox Game Pass [21 Mart]
Microsoft, Xbox Game Pass announced the new games that will come into the service. In addition, games to be removed from the platform announced. Xbox Game Pass service continues to…
Molluscum pendulum: when to remove this tumor from the skin?
The molluscum pendulum (soft fibroid or acrochordon) is a small growth of skin that can be unsightly or even painful if scratched. Should it be removed or not? What are…
Surgeons remove fetus from brain of 1-year-old girl
News Published on 03/13/2023 at 1:07 p.m. Updated 03/13/2023 at 1:07 p.m. Reading 2 mins. In China, a case of fetus in foetu, or parasitic twin, has recently been identified.…
This is the end for Chrome Cleanup Tool, the tool built into Google’s web browser on Windows to remove malware. It had become obsolete due to new built-in security tools. RIP!
This is the end for Chrome Cleanup Tool, the tool built into Google’s web browser on Windows to remove malware. It had become obsolete due to new built-in security tools.…
Doctors remove 20cm lump of hair from girl’s stomach
News Published on 03/08/2023 at 5:32 p.m. Updated 03/08/2023 at 5:32 p.m. Reading 2 mins. Surgeons at a Czech hospital have removed an impressive “ball” of hair from the stomach…
Peeling skin (desquamation): why, how to remove it?
Peeling skin on the hands, face, back… Why is it ragged? Update on the causes and solutions to peeling skin with Dr Jean-Luc Rigon, dermatologist-venerologist in Nancy. Summary There peeling…
Colombia will ask the UN to remove the coca leaf from the list of illicit substances
The Colombian government has announced that it will join the request of Bolivia, which intends to ask the UN to remove the coca leaf from its list of illicit substances.…
It’s the end of an era: the SNCF will remove from its stations the famous yellow terminals used to compost the cardboard tickets, by betting everything on dematerialized solutions. A forced march towards all-digital that will leave people behind…
It’s the end of an era: the SNCF will remove from its stations the famous yellow terminals used to compost the cardboard tickets, by betting everything on dematerialized solutions. A…
Sony will remove a feature from the console, no more free games
A feature that appeared with the launch of the PS5 a little over two years ago, the PlayStation Plus Collection will be discontinued in the coming months. Sony Interactive Entertainment…