Tag: reinvention
Netflix has the brilliant reinvention of an absolute cult character
In the town of Greendale, supernatural events are happening rapidly – and it’s usually the fault a certain witch named Sabrina Spellman. You can read here why the Chilling Adventures…
Reinvention of absolute fantasy cult that is much better than its reputation
There was a lot of excitement when the Ghostbusters reboot was announced. Primarily because the old guard from the 1980s were no longer in the lead roles. Instead, the new…
Really good reinvention of an adventure legend that was unfortunately never continued
Even before Arcane or The Last of Us, there was already an extremely successful video game adaptation in the form of the Tomb Raider reboot. Alicia Vikander and Roar Uthaug…
Big free TV premiere on ProSieben: Brilliant superhero reinvention after mega catastrophe
One of the biggest embarrassments in the ten-year history of the DC Extended Universe was 2016’s Suicide Squad. Although the film was convincing from a financial perspective, it represents the…
Ingenious sci-fi reinvention that fascinates with outstanding visual power and shocks with intense horror
With Alien – The eerie creature from an alien world, Ridley Scott created one of the great sci-fi horror milestones in film history. After three sequels without him in the…
Brilliant reinvention of a superhero series that recently failed spectacularly with Megan Fox
There are heroes who are so iconic, so immortal, that every generation deserves its own version. Be it Batman, Spider-Man – or a group of pubescent mutant turtles. Thanks to…
Brilliant reinvention of a zombie milestone (the beginning alone will completely blow your mind)
With Zombie – Dawn of the Dead, George A. Romero created perhaps the most influential zombie film of all time alongside Night of the Living Dead. In the early 2000s,…
True Detective has disappointed for years and now it has achieved a great reinvention
Two Hollywood stars who, as down-and-out investigators in the heat of Louisiana, are confronted with a sinister murder that reveals further depths from week to week: that’s all it took…
The extremely successful action reinvention of a cult series that has had two sequels
Nine years ago, the action thriller The Equalizer was released in cinemas and became a surprise hit. The film, directed by Training Day director Antoine Fuqua, did not immediately convince…
Reinvention of a horror icon with gory gags and a really good idea
Along with characters like Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger and Jason Vorhees, the serial killer doll Chucky is one of the biggest horror film icons. After seven films, 2019’s Child’s Play…