Tag: Refoundation
Niger: end of national meetings for the country’s refoundation
After six days of work, the national foundations for the refoundation of Niger ended this Thursday, February 20, in the morning. The five commissions made public the conclusions of their…
National Refoundation Council: a flop for Macron?
This is Emmanuel Macron’s great back-to-school initiative: the launch of the National Council for Refoundation. A body in which the president aimed to bring together representatives of citizens, trade unions…
Access to care, a priority announced at the National Council for Refoundation
News Published on 09/08/2022 at 3:02 p.m. Updated 09/08/2022 at 3:02 p.m. Reading 1 min. in collaboration with Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director) As the National Council for Refoundation (CNR)…
laborious beginnings for the National Council for Refoundation
More than 8 hours of discussions behind closed doors and still a lot of vagueness. Emmanuel Macron launched this Thursday the National Council for Refoundation in Marcoussis near Paris. A…
Launch of the National Council for Refoundation: “There is a democratic software to renovate”
This Wednesday, September 8 marks the launch of the National Council for Refoundation. This advice, with a name inspired by the Resistance, and considered a little too pompous by some,…
a National Refoundation Council behind closed doors and with an uncertain outcome
Emmanuel Macron launched, this Thursday, September 8, the National Council for Refoundation (CNR): a match behind closed doors with many absentees and with an uncertain outcome. The Head of State…
Why the oppositions are boycotting the National Council for Refoundation wanted by Emmanuel Macron
French President Emmanuel Macron inaugurates this Thursday a new “ policy revitalization tool “, according to the executive. Around him, about fifty representatives of civil society, the main associations of…
The launch of the National Council for Refoundation largely shunned by the opposition
They will be around fifty around Emmanuel Macron, Thursday, September 8, in Marcoussis, near Paris, to launch the National Council for Refoundation. The living forces of the country – unions,…
the National Council for Refoundation, in difficulty even before being launched
A new framework for a new method: in a week, Thursday September 8, Emmanuel Macron will inaugurate his National Council for Refoundation (CNR). Objective: to think about the France of…
Macron promises a “National Council for Refoundation” and pension reform in 2023
What will the new method promised by Emmanuel Macron look like? A month and a half after his re-election, the French president details the main lines of his second term,…