Tag: recipe
Avicenna’s recipe: Boiling for 10 minutes is enough! Shows its effect instantly
Avicenna sheds light on the present with the prescriptions he wrote for hundreds of diseases thousands of years ago. Ibn-i Sina is considered one of the most important doctors, astronomers,…
Avicenna’s recipe: Very effective healing power!
By strengthening the immune system, pomegranate protects us from many diseases, especially cancer. Hijaz pomegranate, which balances cholesterol and sugar through the flovanoids, vitamins, polyphenols, anthocyanins and tannins it contains,…
It removes the poison in the body overnight, burns calories like a jet… Rejuvenate from head to toe with a foot detox recipe.
Foot detox is a treatment method for removing harmful toxins from the body. This method, which is also used by beauticians to make the feet more well-groomed, can be done…
Elden Ring: 12 million players, a recipe for historic success
Elden Ring is probably the phenomenon of the video game planet in 2022. On track to be voted game of the year, From Software’s masterpiece has welcomed more than 12…
Atomic banana, walnut and caramel muffins
The nuts is not a shelled fruit like the others. Because it contains a large amount ofpolyunsaturated fatty acidsmainly in the form ofOmega 3. It also contains various antioxidants: phenolic…
Lentil Steak Burger
Consumed for several millennia, lentils rank among the most digestible legumes. Their outer envelope in particular contains antioxidants of the family of flavonoids. They are also particularly rich in fiber.…
The miracle recipe given by Ibn Sina thousands of years ago: It cuts like a knife
Avicenna, who left his mark on the history of world medicine, is known as “Avicenna” in Western culture. He draws attention as the scientist that the whole world adopted as…
Parmesan-crusted pork and creamy polenta with sun-dried tomatoes
Parmesan — or Parmigiano-Reggiano — as its name suggests, originated in the Parma region of Italy. It is a cooked pressed cheese made from the milk of cow partially skimmed.…
Lost Ark: recipe for a monster success, our test
Successful launch for Lost Ark. The completely free-to-play MMORPG originally released in South Korea and exported to the West by Amazon Games has won over millions of players. We explain…
Natural cure recipe that is perfect for depression
Plants, which have been used in many diseases for many years, take their place in natural cure recipes given by doctors to patients with their relaxing properties. Cardiology Specialist Dr.…