Tag: reactor
Here is the first spade tag for a new test reactor in Oskarshamn
At OKG in Oskarshamn, Sweden’s first electrical test reactor is built in over 40 years, sealer-e, with lead cooling. The project is led by the company Blykalla in collaboration with…
the nuclear reactor finally connected to the electricity grid – L’Express
After 17 years of construction and 12 years of delay, the EPR nuclear reactor in Flamanville (Manche), the most powerful reactor in France, was connected to the national electricity network…
12 years late, the reactor will finally be connected to the network – L’Express
The connection to the electricity network of the Flamanville EPR reactor is expected this Friday, EDF announced this Wednesday, December 18 in a message to the energy market, which will…
Japan restarts nuclear reactor near Fukushima | News in brief
After the 2011 accident at Fukushima, Japan shut down all 54 of its nuclear reactors, but has since restarted 12 of the 33 units still operational. The second reactor of…
“Human error” blamed after reactor shutdown – L’Express
This Thursday, September 5, the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) put an end to the suspense. The automatic shutdown of the EPR reactor in Flamanville, in the Manche, shortly after its…
a pharaonic additional cost for this experimental nuclear reactor – L’Express
The international experimental nuclear fusion reactor Iter, which aims to revolutionise energy production, will be delayed by at least eight years and its bill will increase by “billions of euros”,…
Reactor at Forsmark runs at half speed
According to Vattenfall, the fault is stated to be a broken generator which causes the reactor to run at about a third of its normal power. – The power is…
The largest and most advanced tokamak type fusion reactor went into operation
The EU and Japan (Medium work is being done, the UK also supports) are the largest and most developed countries in the world today. JT-60SA, a tokamak-type fusion reactorhas put…
what is this experimental nuclear fusion reactor, Iter’s little brother? – The Express
A vast Japanese-European experimental nuclear fusion project, “the energy of the stars” arousing many hopes, was inaugurated this Friday, December 1, in Japan on a partner site and complementary to…
Nuward, the small French reactor that challenges the Americans – L’Express
There is no point in running, you have to start on time. Jean de la Fontaine’s famous tirade also applies to the market for SMRs, these small nuclear reactors which…