The largest and most advanced tokamak type fusion reactor went into operation

The largest and most advanced tokamak type fusion reactor went

The EU and Japan (Medium work is being done, the UK also supports) are the largest and most developed countries in the world today. JT-60SA, a tokamak-type fusion reactorhas put into operation announced.

Many different systems are being developed in order to meet the ever-increasing energy need, and in the process, the world’s largest and at the same time most advanced system has started operating in Japan. tokamak type fusion reactor JT-60SA It makes noise. Here As reported, fusion energy uses fusion reactions to produce heat to produce energy. Fusion reactions release energy by combining a lighter atomic nucleus, ultimately creating a heavier nucleus. Fusion reactors are also called structures designed to use the energy generated here. It is said. Here As far as it is reported, the tokamak is inside the closed magnetic field region of the plasma. A plasma trapping system that attempts to imprison people. Since plasma is a very hot substance, magnetic field is used to hold the plasma, and tokamak has been on the agenda for a long time as one of these systems. According to the description It is extremely difficult to build a reactor that can sustain a fusion reaction that produces more power than is fed into it.


That’s why it’s been on the table since 1950 tokamak type fusion reactor, The last version of the Japan Torus-60, which has been in operation since 1970. JT-60SA It occupies an important position in the transition to practice. Reportedly, the original reactor was updated several times as technology developed, was completely dismantled and reassembled in 2013, and the work on this issue was fully completed in 2020. However, in 2021, there was a serious problem that took two years to repair. Although it has now restarted, it is still far from a regular energy source. JT-60SAis a testing center It is located.
