RATP strike: disruptions announced until September 2024
RATP STRIKE. The CGT-RATP has filed a strike notice from Monday February 5 to Monday September 9, 2024, i.e. 7 months of disruption to Parisian traffic which covers the period…
the Court of Auditors highlights the poor management of the RATP and the SNCF – L’Express
The first president of the Court of Auditors does not mince his words in front of the press. Wednesday October 18, former Minister of the Economy Pierre Moscovici presented the…
A young man hit by an RATP agent, a video shakes social networks
The scene is chilling. While the RATP reacted on Wednesday September 20 to the video of an agent filmed violently hitting a young man, what do we know concretely about…
RATP strike: the metro and the RER disrupted during the Rugby World Cup?
STRIKE RATP. FO-RATP has filed a strike notice for the duration of the Rugby World Cup from September 8 to October 28, 2023. What we know. [Mis à jour le…
RATP strike: lines affected during the Rugby World Cup?
RATP TRAFFIC. Which route to take in Paris? Which metro stations are closed today? Where can I find real-time bus timetables? How can I find out about RATP disruptions? RATP…
Riots: the historic failure of the “big brothers” policy of the RATP and elsewhere
Already in the 1980s, working-class neighborhoods showed a certain distrust of more institutional figures, the mayor or the policeman. The “big brothers” had then been called in to maintain order,…
RATP traffic: return to normal bus and tram traffic this Wednesday evening
RATP TRAFFIC. The circulation of buses and trams will resume normally this Wednesday, July 5, 2023 after several evenings at a standstill due to the damage caused to public transport…
RATP traffic: the circulation of buses and trams interrupted this Monday from 9 p.m.
RATP TRAFFIC. The circulation of buses and trams is again at a standstill this Monday, July 3, 2023 from 9 p.m. due to the damage caused to public transport during…
RATP traffic: the circulation of buses and trams once again interrupted from 9 p.m.
RATP TRAFFIC. The Paris Transport Authority has announced that its bus and tram traffic will be stopped again this Saturday from 9 p.m. In addition, the metro will close during…
RATP traffic: closure of bus and tram lines from 9 p.m.
RATP TRAFFIC. Thursday, June 29, buses and trams in Île-de-France have been stopped since 9 p.m., due to the riots after the death of Nahel in Nanterre. The metro and…