Tag: quickly
How to update all its drivers quickly?
Drivers, commonly referred to as drivers, are the software that manages the support of each device by the operating system. Periodically, manufacturers publish updates to correct security problems (especially in…
It is often after emptying the Windows or macOS recycle bin that we realize that the files it contained were ultimately important. By acting quickly, and with the right tools, it is possible to recover them.
It is often after emptying the Windows or macOS recycle bin that we realize that the files it contained were ultimately important. By acting quickly, and with the right tools,…
To change operator while keeping your landline or mobile phone number, you must recover your RIO. A code that you can obtain quickly and easily by calling 3179, a free number common to all operators.
To change operator while keeping your landline or mobile phone number, you must recover your RIO. A code that you can obtain quickly and easily by calling 3179, a free…
Do you suspect a neighbor is using your Wi-Fi network without your knowledge? You can quickly draw up an inventory and check the list of devices connected, currently or previously, in a few seconds.
Do you suspect a neighbor is using your Wi-Fi network without your knowledge? You can quickly draw up an inventory and check the list of devices connected, currently or previously,…
Do you have multiple PCs or Macs and want everyone to be able to access each other’s content quickly and easily? A few settings in Windows and macOS are enough to connect all your networked computers.
Do you have multiple PCs or Macs and want everyone to be able to access each other’s content quickly and easily? A few settings in Windows and macOS are enough…
Mental sequelae linked to confinement are quickly reversible, provided you socialize
News Posted on 04/08/2021 2 min read Laziness, fatigue or difficulty concentrating: the effects of confinement on our brain are deleterious. But, good news, they are reversible. According to a…
Need to hide faces or private details in a photo? There are several online services and applications to blur parts of an image, for free, quickly and without any graphic editing knowledge!
Need to hide faces or private details in a photo? There are several online services and applications to blur parts of an image, for free, quickly and without any graphic…
The planets of the Trappist-1 system formed quickly and suffered little impact
Trappist-1’s planetary system continues to fascinate researchers who have observed a strange ballet. New elements that shed light on our understanding of the formation of the planets of Trappist-1. You…