Tag: psychology
Christmas meal: the advice of specialists to “discuss” with the conspirators (or not)
The holiday meals arrive and with them, the usual conversations around the table. But, among your guests, in addition to your uncle who ” is not racist but … “,…
Dangers promote altruism and cooperation: the case of the Bataclan attack
Using testimonies from survivors of the attack on November 13, 2015 at the Bataclan, social psychology researchers were able to study human behavior during a mass killing. We interviewed Guillaume…
Right brain or left brain: what are the differences?
The brain has two hemispheres, the right and the left. Is there a big difference in how these two parts of the brain work? In fact, the idea that some…
Covid: One in three ex-patients suffers from subsequent psychological or neurological problems
News Posted on 04/08/2021 2 min read One in three people who have overcome Covid-19 have been diagnosed with neurological or psychiatric disorders within six months of infection, according to…
40% of French people feel “extreme weariness”
News Posted on 04/09/2021 1 min read After a year of pandemic punctuated by successive confinements, curfews and reduced social life, the French are 40% to feel extreme weariness. In…
From what age do you have a sense of humor?
Do you think you’re funny? But since when exactly? Scientists at the University of Bristol have studied the evolution of humor in babies between 0 and 4 years old. And…
The smell of babies calms men but makes women aggressive
There is something unique to the smell of a baby for its parents. Israeli scientists shed light on how volatile molecules produced by the skin change the behavior of fathers…