Tag: promises
Harry & Meghan: why the documentary series promises to be “explosive”
HARRY MEGHAN NETFLIX. The first part of the documentary dedicated to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is released this Thursday, December 8, 2022. And this is already generating tensions with…
Every second voter: The government has broken promises
Published: Just now full screen The government has only been in office for barely two months, but already the voters feel that they have broken their promises. Archive image. Photo:…
Busch promises gas subsidies to households in southern Sweden
In the southern parts of the country, there are approximately 27,000 households that are connected and heat their homes with gas. Now the government wants these to receive the same…
Swedish Prime Minister Kristersson’s ‘Turkey’ statement: “We will fulfill our promises”
Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said that they will fulfill their promises to Turkey. Kristersson, in a statement to Dagens Nyheter newspaper, evaluated the Tripartite Memorandum signed by Turkey, Finland…
Influenza: five regions in the pre-epidemic phase, the epidemic promises to be “intense”
News Published on 23/11/2022 at 6:03 p.m. Updated 11/24/2022 at 1:35 p.m. Reading 2 mins. Five French regions are now in the “pre-epidemic” phase. A situation that worries pharmacists’ unions,…
An application promises to detect the first signs of Alzheimer’s
News Published on 11/24/2022 at 4:08 p.m. Updated 11/24/2022 at 4:08 p.m. Reading 2 mins. A French start-up has developed an application to identify the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease.…
The WoW boss promises that Dragonflight won’t clutter up your inventory so blatantly
Inventory Tetris is unpopular among most World of Warcraft players. Shadowlands went over the top with dozens of different items all doing the same thing. In an interview, Creative Director…
New PC MMORPG raises $15 million in fresh cash, promises massive medieval battles with 1,800 players
Legendary MMORPG developer Marc Jacobs (Dark Age of Camelot, Warhammer) has been working on his indie MMORPG Camelot Unchained for 10 years. Since 2020, the game seemed to be in…
Haldimand mayor promises to work toward a better future
Haldimand Council needs to work as a team to benefit the entire community, the new mayor said in her inaugural address. The mayor and council were sworn in during a…
With its new Free Proxi service, Free promises to offer revolutionary assistance to its subscribers by combining speed and proximity thanks to teams located throughout the territory. The miracle solution to end the obstacle course?
With its new Free Proxi service, Free promises to offer revolutionary assistance to its subscribers by combining speed and proximity thanks to teams located throughout the territory. The miracle solution…