Tag: Presidential France 2022
Emmanuel Macron calls for a rally for the second round
Outgoing President Emmanuel Macron won his bet by finishing first in the first round of the French presidential election. He will face Marine Le Pen in the second round on…
at Marine Le Pen’s HQ, “everything is fine for us”
This is the remake of 2017. Emmanuel Macron will face Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election on April 24. The strategy of the candidate of…
a second Macron-Le Pen duel very different from the first
The second round of the 2022 French presidential election will pit Emmanuel Macron, outgoing president and candidate for La République en Marche!, against Marine Le Pen, far-right candidate for the…
In Abidjan, Ivory Coast, we also vote for the French presidential election
In France, 48.7 million voters are called to the polls this Sunday, April 10, for the first round of the presidential election. They must decide between the twelve candidates for…
In the spotlight: France holds its breath at the time of the first round of the presidential election
An election ” high risk “, warns “the front page” of the weekly The Obs. ” Will voters play the democratic game or abstain massively, which could change the situation…
The Crazy Talking Time Puzzle
Back to the puzzle of the counting of speaking time on the audiovisual media during the official campaign and its discrepancy with the reality of the French. Some call it…
Presidential: strong abstention expected for the 1st round “a feeling of ineffectiveness of the vote”
The twelve candidates in the first round of the French presidential election end their campaign this Friday, while abstention, which tends to progress regularly in France, should remain very high.…
Christiane Taubira will vote Jean-Luc Mélenchon
She had promised to make her vote public before the first round of the presidential election. A little over a month after her withdrawal from the race for the Élysée,…
Campaign diary: last hours to convince abstainers and undecided
Last day of presidential campaign in France. From midnight this Friday, everything stops. The candidates will no longer have the right to speak publicly until the publication of the results…
Manuel Bompard: “It is possible to qualify a leftist candidate in the 1st round with JL Mélenchon”
Manuel Bompard, MEP and campaign director of Jean-Luc Mélenchon of France Insoumise is this Friday, April 8, the guest of the morning of RFI. While the candidates are throwing themselves…