Tag: political
France offers political asylum to some, not to others…
Emmanuel Macron wants to offer France’s protection to Marina Ovsyannilova who presented an anti-war sign on Russian television. But still not to Julian Assange, under threat of extradition to the…
Geoffroy Didier and Sébastien Chenu, guests of Political Tuesday
Political Tuesday receives two guests: Geoffroy Didier (@GeoffroyDidier), communication director for Valérie Pécresse (from 6:10 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on RFI and France 24), and Sébastien Chenu (@sebchenu), deputy for…
Playful, personal or simply bland: the political slogan, you can’t ignore it
PROVINCE OF UTRECHT – Houten is unique, that’s why Houten is different! Soest stays good, gets better! Now for tomorrow! Just some slogans that are throwing us around these weeks.…
Playful, personal or simply bland: the political slogan, you can’t ignore it
PROVINCE OF UTRECHT – Houten is unique, that’s why Houten is different! Soest stays good, gets better! Now for tomorrow! Just some slogans that are throwing us around these weeks.…
Protesters want Henschotermeer’s future back on the political agenda
Today, 17:38 † 3 minutes reading time © RTV Utrecht WOUDENBERG – “Hens off, Hens off!” With this slogan, more than 300 people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the plans…
Ukraine, a red thread in the political life of Joe Biden
In his memoirs, Joe Biden writes: “Ukrainians have been on an exciting and sometimes dreadful roller coaster last year, and I feel like I have shared their fate.” He alludes…
Heritage of French presidential candidates: “Knowing whether political life promotes wealth”
The declarations of assets and holdings of the twelve presidential candidates were revealed by the High Authority for the transparency of public life. This is not the first time that…
A step towards NATO, but a small one – this is how a former NATO official and historian assess the visits of the Finnish political leadership to Washington
The debate in Finland is closely followed in Washington’s security policy circles. Finland’s NATO revival is reminiscent of the Baltic states during the first war in Chechnya, says the historian…
Yannick Jadot and Nicolas Bay, guests of Political Tuesday
Political Tuesday receives two guests: – Yannick Jadot (@yjadot), environmental candidate in the presidential election (from 6:10 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on RFI and France 24) and Nicolas Bay (@NicolasBay_),…
Meeting of Finnish and Swedish political leaders to begin in Helsinki – EPN to show press conference of prime ministers at 2.45 pm
In its foreign policy statement on 16 February, the Swedish government stated that it did not intend to apply for NATO membership. The pressure to reassess the issue is growing…