Tag: policy
Immigration: Constitution, quotas… Republican counter-proposals
Reform of the constitution, quotas, double punishment, European law… This Sunday, the leaders of the Republicans presented a series of shocking proposals, to put “a halt to mass immigration” and…
Frédéric Chatillon: the “exiled” friend of Marine Le Pen still very connected to the RN
Frédéric Chatillon, David Rachline and Jean-Lin Lacapelle are on a boat. The bottles of rosé have been emptied; It’s hot. The first, in navy blue swim shorts, holds the helm.…
Schnabel (ECB): Monetary policy during low inflation has encouraged risk-taking
(Finance) – “During the years of low inflation, monetary policy encouraged risk-taking as part of its monetary policy transmission mechanism. Moreover, the same central banks have underestimated the possibility of…
AI also worries politicians
Do artificial intelligence and politics go hand in hand? AI is already there with Chat GPT in particular and some want to regulate it. Others use it on the contrary…
Julien Dray: “Jean-Luc Mélenchon is a problem that paralyzes the left”
L’Express: At the moment, the debate is raging between knowing which of the far left or the far right is more violent. What do you think ? Julien Dray: I…
Emmanuel Macron in Mongolia: the reasons for a trip anything but trivial
This is a first for a French president. Emmanuel Macron will travel to Mongolia on Sunday May 21 for a brief visit to this landlocked country between China and Russia…
“Politics against the law”: a colloquium to refocus the debates
The first blade lifts the hair. “Independent administrative authorities are a legal monster.” And what about the second, on the “coup d’etat” organized by “the Court of Cassation, the Council…
“We must take power from Macron because he is weak”: when Sarkozy preaches in the desert
Interviews with Nicolas Sarkozy should in the future be carried out with ChatGPT, this artificial intelligence capable of holding a conversation. At each public intervention, the former president renews his…
Conviction of Sarkozy: “There is an odor of settling of scores from this hunt”
The Express: Three years’ imprisonment, one of which is firm, and a three-year deprivation of his civic rights while the prosecution had only requested a suspended prison sentence, how do…
Carlos Martens Bilongo case: what is alleged against the rebellious deputy
The elected 32-year-old says he knows nothing about this case. L La France insoumise (LFI) Carlos Martens Bilongo is however the subject of an investigation for suspicions of “laundering of…