Tag: policy
Reshuffle: Terminal confirmed at Matignon by Macron, “adjustments” to come to the government
She remains at her post. Emmanuel Macron has decided to keep Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne at Matignon, the president’s entourage announced on Monday July 17. The Head of State will…
Nahel, Lola… We are witnessing the separatism of corpses, by Sylvain Fort
News items have certainly always been the daily bread of the media. What is less old is this now systematic tendency to politicize news items. The instrumentalization of victims has…
Mélenchon and the left facing the temptation of violence
A chill ran through the left when, after the first two nights of urban riots following Nahel’s death, Jean-Luc Mélenchon refused to call for calm. The anti-Nupes left overwhelms him,…
Fiona Scott Morton case: better an expert than a technocrat
Beyond the problem posed by the American nationality of the interested party, the psychodrama around the appointment of Fiona Scott Morton to the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Union…
Narendra Modi in France: “No foreign policy is made on the sole question of values”
The Indian Prime Minister is the guest of honor at the July 14 National Day military parade this Friday. The leader of the world’s leading demographic power is singled out…
Riots: Laurent Wauquiez and the overhanging strategy
“What matters is speaking in 1958, not 1956.” This April 20, Laurent Wauquiez justifies to L’Express his media discretion, the path taken to enter the Elysée in four years. The…
Is Finland a showcase for the new era? Biden’s visit sealed the foreign policy transition
Finland and the other Nordic countries are a safe partner for the United States in the midst of geopolitical upheavals. The United States assures that it can do the same,…
The secret nickname of Macron, Sarkozy and the anti-Copé fatwa
This second five-year term like no other is far from over, yet 2027 and its cohort of putative candidates are already advancing. Behind the scenes, some are learning to sketch…
Pap Ndiaye or the story of an explosive misunderstanding: “I don’t want to be anything other than me”
Until now, he had discovered violence in politics, the real one, that which comes from his own camp, through a small band of deputies from the presidential majority who were…
Riots: “I have not yet taken the step of the RN, but …”, our readers react
Neighborhoods: when will firm decisions be made? Madeleine Gibon, Saumur (Maine-et-Loire). Your article does a good job of analyzing the “whatever the cost” policy of our rulers in the face…