Tag: persons
Civilians killed, displaced persons, military losses… The war in Ukraine in figures
A month of war raging in Ukraine. A month that the dead accumulate, soldiers as well as civilians. A month that the people who reside in the country must flee…
thousands of victims and displaced persons after the passage of cyclone Emnati
Forty-eight hours after cyclone Emnati, more than 51,000 victims and 45,000 displaced people have been counted by the National Office for Risk and Disaster Management, which held a press conference…
In Colombia, the number of internally displaced persons doubled last year – more than 70,000 were forced to flee their homes
According to a report published by the UN, gunmen attacked civilians more than 2,400 times in Colombia last year. At least 73,974 Colombians were forced to flee their homes last…
Omicron variant: What should people with symptoms and contacts do?
The number of people caught in the Omicron variant of the coronavirus is increasing in Turkey as well as all over the world. However, it is wondered if there is…