Russia demands that Finland hold responsible the persons who burned the Russian flag on Independence Day

Russia demands that Finland hold responsible the persons who burned

“In Moscow, such acts are considered unprecedented and unacceptable acts that dishonor the symbol of the state,” says the Russian Foreign Ministry in a statement.

15:25•Updated 15:52

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs demands that the people who burned the Russian flag in Helsinki on Independence Day be held accountable in your statement (you switch to another service).

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented on the burning of the Russian flag in the 612 torchlight procession.

– In Moscow, such actions are considered unprecedented and unacceptable actions that dishonor the symbol of the state, states the Russian Foreign Ministry in its statement.

The Russian authorities say that they have made a demand to Finland that the people who burned the flag must be held accountable. In addition, the Russian Foreign Ministry demanded that Finland take measures to prevent “similar acts of extremists” in the future.

A few participants of the nationalist 612 torchlight procession burned the Russian flag on Independence Day. The police told them to stop.

According to Finnish law, only dishonoring the Finnish flag is punishable.

Added at 15:52 at the end that a fine can be imposed in Finland for defacing the Finnish flag.
