Tag: pepper
We eat it thinking it is beneficial, but it exacerbates inflammation! It is in every home: That dangerous fruit that increases pain…
The importance of eating fruits and vegetables for our health is emphasized at every opportunity. For a strong immune system, it is necessary to pay attention to a healthy diet.…
Parsley, lemon, chili pepper… It may not be burning fat!
We are all looking for a miraculous food that burns fat, but unfortunately there is no such food. There are many foods that are touted as fat burners. No food…
What are the benefits of pepper? Countless effects…
Nowadays, unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle are increasing. However, the incidence of diseases is increasing day by day. It is very important to eat healthy in order to be healthier…
You won’t be able to stop eating when you learn its benefits! It reduces stress, prevents colon cancer, makes immunity like steel… What are the benefits of green pepper?
Green pepper can be consumed alone, in meals or in salads. The benefits of green pepper, which is consumed extensively both in the world and in our country, do not…
Its deficiency is life-threatening! Peppers, lemons, oranges… Foods high in vitamin C
Vitamin C is vital for human health. In case of vitamin C deficiency, your body becomes vulnerable to diseases. You may have to deal with frequent infectious diseases. In case…
How to sow vegetables from the sun under cover?
Vegetables from the sun are fragile and delicate so plan to sow them under cover from the first months of the year in order to enjoy tasty harvests all summer…
Chili pepper yoghurt mix does not burn fat! Food that burns fat is actually…
As the weather warmed up, many people took action to lose weight. Dietitians underline that it is possible to lose weight by choosing a healthy life rather than looking for…
Community service demanded against former Utrecht police employee for computer breaches and theft of pepper spray
The man was fired by the police. “The integrity and reliability of police officers must be beyond doubt and every incident is one too many. Everyone within the police must…