Tag: patient
Unknown symptom of liver cancer! Especially at night it increases…
Liver diseases can progress without symptoms for a long time and become very serious. Although there are harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol on the basis of the effects…
After the exemptions – all planned patient transport is cancelled
The government assigns the Prison and Probation Service to investigate the security of its transports. In the meantime, all planned healthcare transport within the Correctional Service is stopped. – The…
Kouchner Law: date, principles, patient rights
The Kouchner law, enacted some twenty years ago, made it possible to better take into account the rights of sick people by imposing three main principles: the right to information,…
Potentially avoidable hospitalizations: what is the patient profile?
In France, some hospitalizations are avoidable. In any case, this is what a study by the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees) suggests, published this Thursday, April 6.…
Pay attention to this symptom seen in the toilet! Common symptom seen in 85 percent of cancer patients
Paying attention to any changes in your urine can enable you to take precautions against risky diseases in your body. Bladder cancer occurs when abnormal tissue growth, known as a…
Pay attention to the sign that the liver is finished! 82% of patients experience the same symptom
Liver cirrhosis is often described as “end-stage” fatty liver disease because the organ can no longer function properly. This is an irreversible process that causes the gradual replacement of healthy…
No one knows about this sign! Watch out for the early warning sign of dementia
Dementia causes the patient to be unable to recognize even the person closest to them and to have difficulty in meeting their basic needs over time. Although it is known…
AIDS: a first mixed-race patient potentially cured of HIV
News Published on 03/20/2023 at 10:20 a.m. Updated 03/20/2023 at 10:20 a.m. Reading 3 mins. in collaboration with Ivan Pourmir (medical oncologist) A patient with leukemia as well as HIV…
Schizophrenia: putting an end to the image of the “crazy and dangerous” patient
News Published on 03/17/2023 at 00:44 Updated 03/17/2023 at 00:44 Reading 2 mins. On the occasion of their 20th anniversary, the Schizophrenia Days, which are being held from March 18…
A “twin” heart printed in 3D to improve the treatments of each patient
News Published on 03/14/2023 at 3:19 p.m. Updated 03/14/2023 at 3:19 p.m. Reading 2 mins. MIT researchers have invented and created the functional 3D printed twin of a human heart.…