Tag: parliament
Suspected terrorist attack at the parliament in Ankara
It is supposed to be a bomb attack against the Ministry of the Interior, says Minister of the Interior Ali Yerlikaya. He calls what happened a “terrorist attack” and says…
The parliament rejects the herring fishing ban in Finland’s nearby waters – the commission sticks to its proposal, but asks for more information
In the opinion of the committees, the Commission’s proposal is “disproportionate and inconsistent with scientific advice”. The Parliament’s Agriculture and Forestry Committee and the Environment Committee both reject in their…
Amsterdam Airport, Dutch Parliament thinks about a transit tax
(Finance) – After the prolonged debate on the flight cap, the Dutch parliament returns to take care of the airport Amsterdam Schiphol where he would like to introduce a ttransit…
The EU Parliament proposes consultation with indigenous peoples in the new mineral law
Now the EU Parliament has voted its proposals for the EU’s new Minerals Act (CRMA), whose purpose is for the EU to become more self-sufficient in raw materials that are…
Azerbaijani Member of Parliament Pashayeva fell into a coma
Sad news came from Azerbaijani Deputy Ganire Pashayeva today. In the statement made by Pashayeva’s deputy Elbey Badirov, it was announced that Deputy Ganire Pashayeva had fallen into a coma.…
towards the status quo in the Upper House of Parliament?
In two days, a very discreet election will take place in France: the senatorial elections. Some 79,000 voters – mayors, local elected officials – are called to the polls on…
Demonstrations in Armenia continue after Azerbaijan’s victory! The opposition called the people in front of the parliament building
Protests initiated by the Armenian opposition continue in Yerevan after the Azerbaijani army launched terrorist operations in Nagorno-Karabakh. ‘TRAITOR NIKOL’ SLOGANS WERE PUSHED In the morning, hundreds of people marched…
India introduces a quota for women in Parliament but… not right away
In India, a historic constitutional reform, the result of a legislative battle that began more than twenty years ago, is on the verge of success. This delights women, marginalized in…
Armenia got confused after Azerbaijan’s victory! Member of Parliament was punched in front of cameras
Azerbaijan’s success in the anti-terrorist operation against Armenian elements in Karabakh confused Armenia.Those who did not want peace gathered in front of government buildings, clashed with the police and demanded…
Fight against corruption in Ukraine: Zelensky tackles Parliament
The mobilization of Ukrainian civil society has borne fruit. More than 80,000 people asked President Zelensky last weekend to veto a law adopted by Parliament which limited the transparency of…