Tag: pandemic
Does wearing a mask give you a headache?
Wearing a general mask made it possible to avoid contamination by SARS-CoV-2. Testimonials and anecdotes suggest that a few people may have suffered from recurring headaches. What is it really…
Omicron variant: simple cold or Covid-19?
The symptoms of the Omicron variant are different and, a priori, milder than those produced by the Delta variant. It was already possible to confuse a simple cold with a…
Vaccination of children: what we know today
The HAS has declared itself in favor of the vaccination of 5-11 year olds, without access conditions. Children will receive a reduced dose of the Pfizer vaccine. What do we…
WHO advocates caution at Christmas and wants to “end the pandemic” in 2022
As the Covid-19 pandemic and the new Omicron variant wreak havoc around the world, the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, called on Monday, December…
3 pillars of science against fake news
Who to believe? A flood of contradictory information constantly blurs our access to reality, in an exacerbated manner since the emergence of the pandemic. Science, more essential than ever, arouses…
Apple has now closed the office for the fourth time
The first target of September 2021 was received poorly by “remote working advocates” some employees who created the Slack channel and handed out a letter criticizing the policy proposal. The…
The Omicron variant would spread 70 times faster in the bronchi than other variants
Omicron is spreading rapidly in all the countries where it is present, sometimes surpassing the Delta variant installed for many months. Scientists at the Hong Kong School of Medicine studied…
Covid-19: 40% of cases are asymptomatic
What is the share of asymptomatics among confirmed cases of Covid-19? A meta-analysis published on December 14, 2021 answers this question. You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Are we…
Covid-19: how to avoid contamination during family meals?
This year again, Christmas will be under the sign of the Covid-19. In order not to turn family celebrations into a source of contamination, the Scientific Council recalls the few…
Covid-19: recommendations to avoid contamination during family meals
This year again, Christmas will be under the sign of the Covid-19. In order not to transform family celebrations into a source of contamination, the Scientific Council recalls the few…