Tag: oyster
Inflation and climate change, the heavy challenges facing oyster farming
/ Podcasts / Report France In the bay of Bourgneuf, near Nantes, the oyster producers of La Bernerie-en-Retz are very active during the holiday season, which is decisive for their…
Be sure to consume! It reduces the risk of breast cancer
Breast cancer is a disease that occurs as a result of a tumor that occurs due to the change and uncontrolled proliferation of one of the cell groups that make…
Andreas cut himself on the giant oyster – wants to warn others
The Japanese giant oyster has created problems for bathers on the West Coast. A number of people have had to seek medical care after being injured by the oysters. One…
The Sylvassa giant oyster plagues the west coast
On Thursday alone, seven people were allowed to visit Närhälsan on Öckerö after cutting themselves on the invasive Japanese giant oyster, reports P4 Gothenburg. It was about both more or…
Cosmetics: oysters for beautiful skin
News Posted on 06/03/2022 at 12:07 p.m., Reading 2 mins. Rich in proteins, amino acids, minerals and vitamins, the oyster proves to be a major ally in combating certain signs…
Raphaël Haumont’s lychee-saké pearl oyster
This recipe offers a double explosion in the mouth, both in terms of textures and flavors. Encapsulation is a gelation technique, based on the fact that sodium alginates (long chain…
The recipe for lychee-sake pearl oyster by Raphaël Haumont
This recipe offers a double explosion in the mouth, both in terms of textures and flavors. Encapsulation is a gelation technique, based on the fact that sodium alginates (long chain…