Cosmetics: oysters for beautiful skin

Cosmetics oysters for beautiful skin

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    Rich in proteins, amino acids, minerals and vitamins, the oyster proves to be a major ally in combating certain signs of aging, and improving the radiance and firmness of the skin. From the plate to the bathroom, there is only one step.

    If the appearance and texture of the oyster can put off more than one, its iodized taste is essential for others during the end of the year celebrations or a meal by the sea. On the other hand, we had no idea that it would one day end up investing in the wide field of cosmetics. Always considered an unusual ingredient in beauty, just like broccoli or onion, the oyster nevertheless has super powers that could make it the new star of your beauty routine.

    Nothing is left to chance, to the point that brands today exploit absolutely everything in the oyster, from the flesh to the shell. And it is clear that its properties are diverse and varied: anti-aging, purifying, remineralizing, and cleansing. Difficult to see a gray area there. On its own, the oyster can fulfill a number of functions in your bathroom, proving essential for the skin, the hair, and even the teeth.

    Oyster powder

    The natural cosmetics brand Perlucine is among those who have looked into the virtues of the oyster, and more specifically those of the white oyster shell. Hand-harvested on the beaches of the Brittany coast, the oyster shells are carefully cleaned before being reduced to powder to complete the formulas of various products, ranging from facial cleansing powder to body scrub and handmade soap, shampoo powder, and even toothpaste powder.

    An a priori unusual range that offers multiple benefits to mattify the skin, bring volume and shine to the hair, rid the skin of its dead cells and impurities, or even give a touch of radiance to the dullest complexions. . All at affordable prices for a line of natural cosmetics, Cosmos approved by Ecocert.

    For its part, the French brand Edulis recently lifted the veil on a range of cosmetics formulated from patented oyster extract encapsulated in clay to take advantage of the properties of the mollusc throughout the day. Designed in Cap Ferret, this innovative line is particularly interested in the virtues of the wild flat oyster from the Arcachon basin, called ‘ostrea edulis’. “From the technical and scientific observation of the shell, Edulis has extracted nourishing, stimulating and tensing natural active ingredients that slow down the aging of the skin and repair the damage of time., specifies the brand. Firmness, radiance, and limitation of spots are among the virtues of this line of beauty products.

    Edulis currently offers three cosmetics – a two-phase serum, a day cream, and a night cream – combining the benefits of oyster extract with those of ulva lactuca seaweed from Brittany, date palm oil desert, Kokum butter, or even incense resin, natural ingredients. A range that emphasizes the riches of the Arcachon basin, while offering an iodized alternative to those who want to experience – and adopt – the thousand and one virtues of the oyster.

    Champion in upcycling

    Not content with attracting the attention of the cosmetics industry, the oyster can also be processed into many materials to reduce waste – and reap its many benefits over and over again. In terms of upcycling, they are unanimous, being able to metamorphose into natural fertilizer and even descaling for each of our household appliances. A trick that should seduce more than one.
