Tag: nutrition
Smile Cookie sales aid nutrition student programs in Lambton County
The sale of holiday smile cookies at 11 Sarnia-area Tim Hortons locations in November raised $19,606 for school nutrition programs in Lambton County. Article content The company’s smile cookie fundraising…
Cookie sales bringing a smile to Sarnia-area school nutrition program
Breadcrumb Trail Links News Local News Programs helping feed 9,600 students at 46 schools in Sarnia and Lambton County are getting a boost this week from 11 Tim Hortons locations…
What is the Candida diet? How to do Candida diet, sample nutrition list
The Candida diet generally aims to control Candida albicans by limiting the consumption of sugar, yeast, starch and processed foods. This diet aims to reduce the amount of yeast in…
What is the DASH diet, what diseases is it good for? How to make a DASH nutrition plan?
The basic principle of the DASH diet is to limit salt intake and increase minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. This may help lower blood pressure and improve heart…
What is FODMAP nutrition? How to do the FODMAP nutrition diet?
FODMAP is an acronym that stands for certain carbohydrates, which are compounds that often cause digestive disorders. The main goal of this nutritional approach is to minimize processes that can…
Nutrition list according to AB blood group: What should AB positive and negative blood groups eat?
Nutrition according to AB blood group Dr. It is part of the blood type-specific nutritional approach developed by Peter J. D’Adamo. This approach uses the blood type of individuals with…
Nutrition list according to B blood group: What should B positive and negative blood groups eat?
According to this approach, people with blood type B should be an important part of a diet based on meat and dairy products. While some animal protein sources, especially sheep,…
Nutrition list according to blood group 0: What should 0 positive and negative blood groups eat?
Meat consumption is generally recommended for people with blood type O. Animal protein sources, especially beef, lamb and chicken, have an important place in this nutritional approach. Additionally, vegetables, fruits…
Nutrition list according to A blood group: What should A positive and negative blood groups eat?
According to the nutritional approach according to blood groups, there are four different blood groups: A, B, AB and O, and the recommended foods for each group are different. For…
What are the benefits of the call? How much should Cagla be consumed?
One of the most important features of the waterfall is that it contains a high amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant for the body, protecting…