Tag: newsletters
Are you tired of newsletters and advertisements cluttering your inbox? That’s good, Gmail should soon welcome the Shielded Email function, an alias tool for generating disposable email addresses.
Are you tired of newsletters and advertisements cluttering your inbox? That’s good, Gmail should soon welcome the Shielded Email function, an alias tool for generating disposable email addresses. Since it…
Tired of mailing lists and newsletters cluttering up your inbox? With Gmail, you can now unsubscribe with just one click!
Tired of mailing lists and newsletters cluttering up your inbox? With Gmail, you can now unsubscribe with just one click! Since it has been possible to create an account on…
Google is quietly launching a new tab called Notifications on Gmail that will automatically host all newsletters and other “unnecessary” alerts to declutter the main inbox.
Google is quietly launching a new tab called Notifications on Gmail that will automatically host all newsletters and other “unnecessary” alerts to declutter the main inbox. Lately, Google has been…
Are you tired of mailing lists and other newsletters cluttering your mailbox? With Gmail, you can now unsubscribe with just one click!
Are you tired of mailing lists and other newsletters cluttering your mailbox? With Gmail, you can now unsubscribe with just one click! Since it has been possible to create an…