Tag: Netherlands
Water board installs emergency pumps, necessary for fruit cultivation, among other things
The Rhine normally supplies water in the area of the water board. But the water level of that river is currently very low and, moreover, it is sinking further. Rijkswaterstaat…
GGD opens new testing and vaccination location in the former Holland Casino: ‘That was quite a job’
The fact that the GGD is now located in a former gambling palace takes some getting used to. “We are also committed to preventing addictions,” says Rigter. Inside, especially the…
Rabobank regrets its role in the nitrogen crisis: ‘We acted differently in the past with knowledge of today’
That is why, according to the WWF, Rabobank must come up with real solutions and not put farmers at risk. In conversation with Trouw, director Rens van Tilburg of the…
Police still don’t know who the dead man is who was found yesterday morning in the Amersfoort Eemhaven
The man is believed to be between 70 and 80 years old. He is 1.75 meters tall, wears glasses and has short gray hair. He is also starting to be…
Camping in WKZ must still give sick children who cannot go on holiday a holiday feeling
Utrecht – Anyone who walks into the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital (WKZ) in Utrecht for the next four weeks may think that they have ended up at a campsite. Over the…
No emergency shelter for refugees in Meerkerk after all
Each province has been given a task by the government for crisis emergency care. The COA sees that there is far too little space to receive people who have applied…
Police are looking for witnesses to burglary home in Amersfoort
A second suspect was identified during a debit card transaction around 2 p.m. in the shopping area on the Kamp. This man was dressed in light blue track pants with…
25 months in prison and supervision for Amersfoorter who abused his own mother and threatened with death
The woman told police that her son had put a scarf around her neck. She was tied by him with rope and tie-wraps and dragged by her legs from the…
Drugs between parties of frozen meat: cocaine boss from Eemnes gets 12 years in prison
In addition, twelve co-defendants in this trial were sentenced to prison terms of 1.5 to 8 years. Police had been investigating the prime suspect for some time when deciphering messages…
Historic seminar wall Driebergen affected by ‘illegal’ garden gates
Driebergen – There are great concerns about the condition of the old monumental seminary wall in Driebergen. Residents of the houses whose garden borders on this wall have placed ‘illegal’…