Tag: natural
How to make a natural Christmas wreath?
The traditional Advent wreath will adorn home doors or decorate holiday tables to contribute to the magic of Christmas. Why not make your own wreath with natural elements salvaged from…
Natural or artificial Christmas tree, which is more ecological?
On the one hand, the artificial tree is reusable every year. On the other hand, natural fir is biodegradable and stores CO2. Which one should you choose to reduce your…
It is very painful and very uncomfortable! Natural solutions to clean ears clogged with dirt
Ear congestion can have many causes. The most common cause of congestion is earwax. If you use ear buds after every shower, you are pushing the softened dirt even further.…
A natural hydrating mask for damaged hair
Every season, it’s the same old story: the hair is dry and damaged. The solution does not make a fold: it is necessary to repair, hydrate and nourish them with…
Pollen allergy: 5 natural remedies to relieve
Runny nose, itchy eyes, itchy throat … If you’re allergic to pollens, here are 5 home remedies that will help you keep smiling even when the pollens are gone. This…
The concealer undermined by a natural beauty tip (and free) spotted on TikTok
News Posted on 05/12/2021 2 min read Is the concealer living its last hours? We can ask ourselves the question with regard to the success of a simple beauty tutorial…
How to recognize natural honey from fake honey
Natural honey, produced by bees from nectar, has many benefits. However, we find in the combs processed honey made from glucose syrup or corn, containing starch or dyes. A fake…
“The origin of the world. A natural history of soil for those who trample on it ”by Marc-André Selosse
The book France this Sunday is entitled “The Origin of the World. A natural history of the soil for those who trample it ”published by Actes Sud. A plea full…
Another problem has vanished! Here are natural recipes that soften the heels
Our skin needs regular care as it is always waiting for attention and can easily wear out if it is deprived of this attention. With a few applications that you…